The two regions at risk of curfew or territorial stops


There are two regions under observation at the government table that want to avoid a national lockdown, but intend to stop the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic before it is too late. These are Lombardy and Campania. In the first, 1,800 cases were registered yesterday, the second is already the scene of one of the first confinements at the territorial level (in Arzano in the province of Naples).

The two regions at risk of curfew or territorial stops

The hypotheses on the table go to the extreme of border closure, but not in the very short term. For now, explain today Republic, we are thinking about the possibility of launching closures in neighborhoods, cities or entire provinces of Lombardy and Campania, but with less strict criteria than those of March.

The idea is to bring a night curfew, following the model of Paris and Barcelona. For now the alarm is high but the health system seems to hold on. A third region at risk is Liguria, but Veneto, Sardinia and Trentino Alto Adige are also among the areas of special surveillance. The “virtue” of the curfew is that it would not shut down businesses entirely, even if the damage to the economy still occurred. Meanwhile, staggered classroom entrances are taking hold to ease pressure on public transportation. The idea is to let in the students from 8 to 11, to help the cities that have more problems from this point of view.

But the Minister of Education does not agree and presses for a time interval from 8 to 9. The Corriere della Sera writes that in the meantime in government the enigma is whether there is no need to review the newly signed Dpcm in the race, whether It cannot be the case to tighten the rules on meetings by stopping clubs, restaurants and social and cultural activities, also in light of the curfew at 9 pm in Paris.

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