the truth can be uncomfortable


Campania gynecologist Stefano Ansaldi, killed on Saturday afternoon in Milan
in photo: Campania gynecologist Stefano Ansaldi, murdered on Saturday afternoon in Milan

What if we don’t understand anything? If all the reconstructions written so far in the death of Stefano Ansaldi Were they wrong and the controversy over security was a routine exercise in vain? The Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit begin with these questions to clarify the death of the gynecologist from Benevento who died in Milan on Saturday afternoon under a scaffolding in via Mauro Macchi, a short distance from the central station, the starting point of this story.

The visit to the sister

Ansaldi lived and worked in Naples, he did not usually move to the Lombard capital despite having a sister who had moved there for years. It seems that the reports were not idyllic but it turned out later, the first hypothesis of the researchers is that he had arrived in Milan for a pre-Christmas greeting, anticipating the closure of the regions due to the anti-Covid provisions. In such a scenario, the gynecologist would have been shot on his way to his sister’s apartment, killed as a passerby with no connection to his (or his) murderers. But It took a while for the military to understand that something was wrong.. The sister, in fact, was about to go to Naples just for the holidays, so there was no rush to travel half of Italy by train to receive a fleeting greeting.

The one-way ticket

The duration of your trip to Milan is another important point. He had told his family that he was supposed to meet someone in Milan, but would return a few hours later. Round trip in the day, a great effort for a 65-year-old man, although healthy and sitting in first class. Ansaldi had arrived in the early afternoon and according to plans he would only have had two chances of returning: with a Frecciarossa at 6.10pm or with an Intercity at 9.10pm. We know he only had the one-way ticket, maybe because he couldn’t predict what time it would end, but the doctor died under that scaffold with a deep cut to his throat around 6.30pm. It means that the possibility of returning to the Frecciarossa had already disappeared and the only alternative would have been the 11-hour Intercity ride, too much for a simple courtesy visit between friends. Had he assumed that he really would not return today?

The Rolex went next to the body

The central theme is Stole. For half a day it was the main hypothesis of the researchers, then increasingly reduced by the elements collected. His wallet and cell phone were missing, but on the ground next to his body was his bloodied Rolex. It seems strange that someone willing to kill a stranger in a robbery leaves the most interesting loot in its place. Perhaps his cell phone was taken from him because it contained the killer’s contact, and his wallet was stolen to delay the identification of the man and save time. And so it would have been if Ansaldi had not had his identity card in his pocket. Without a wallet but with the document in your pocket, it seems the opposite of the hypothesis that we have just described, you could almost imagine that there was the intention to facilitate identification.

Was the robbery really there?

As the hours go by, now the days the robbery loses force as well as the connection with the attack suffered by the 72-year-old retiree Anacleto Giriolo. The old man said that two young North Africans pushed him to the ground and stole cell phones and wallets in via Settembrini around 6.30 pm. A violent episode 400 meters from a corpse and a few minutes later, a good opportunity not to investigate. But it seems like it’s just good randomness and that’s it. First, because the robbery at Giriolo occurred after Ansaldi’s death and it seems highly unlikely that two would-be murderers would be left in the same ring after such a brutal murder. Besides, they would still have the clarity to commit a robbery, but would they be so careless as to leave the murder weapon next to the body?

The murder weapon and the glove

The knife that cut the gynecologist’s carotid artery remained in Via Macchi, found by forensics as evidence number one. There could be the author’s footprints and quickly put the point to the story. Unless the person was wearing gloves. You don’t need something fancy from a yellow film, a latex glove like the one Ansaldi wears would suffice. Here’s another off-axis item at this crime scene, the alleged victim wearing a glove like a good killer should. A role reversal difficult to explain. Of course, we are in a pandemic and for many months gloves have been described as a necessary protection to avoid the virus but Ansaldi was an esteemed doctor, an up-to-date scientist, he knew very well that the WHO has reversed the real usefulness to defend against it. Covid. . What happened under that scaffolding, in that place away from the cameras? What if we don’t understand anything?
