Is Calabria a “red zone”? It would be an exclusively political choice, in the face of an epidemiological situation under control with half-empty hospitals and exceptionally contained contagion
If there weren’t people in government like Conte, bowl me hope, we would safely label Calabria “Red zone“Like sensational fake news from some media. Because in reality only some large national newspapers, the most pro-government and close to Roman power, have obsessively talked about “Red zoneIn Calabria in recent days, but there has been no official communication in this regard from the Government, Ministers, representatives of Local Authorities or the Technical-Scientific Committee. The only one that unbalances the “red zonesHe was the Vice Minister of Health Sileri who yesterday spoke explicitly of “misleading rumors“And he clarified that the only two Regions that have a more serious situation than all the others are Lombardy me Piedmont. The “red zone” in Calabria therefore does not exist or at least should not be. Available data, from an epidemiological and hospital point of view (number of infected in relation to swabs performed, number of beds occupied compared to available ones, Rt index) the Regions with the most serious situation are precisely those of the Northwest and the Alps, which is mainly Lombardy me Piedmont but also Liguria, Aosta Valley me Trentino Alto Adige. From a hospital point of view, the situation is also worrying at the Center: Tuscany, Umbria me Market they have an intensive care saturation rate that exceeds 40%.
Anyway, Calabria is, data in hand, the most virtuous region of Italy not only from the epidemiological point of view, but also from the profile of a hospital. It is the Region with the lowest number of positive cases in relation to the population (3,639 currently positive in 2 million inhabitants, of which more than 95% are asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic who do not require hospitalization), so much so that Germany allows only Calabrians to enter its national territory without quarantine.
Calabria is also the region with the lower percentage of positive swabs in swabs performed (less than 9%, the national average is sixteen%), is the Region with the greater number of people taken with swab for each positive case, even 49; and it is also the Region with the least number of occupied beds compared to its capacity. Almost no ICU patients 10 its 186 beds available, for a level of “saturation” of the 5%. Doing some quick comparisons, the Market they have 53 hospitalized of the 143 beds available,Umbria has 48 hospitalized out of 101 beds available, the Liguria has 64 hospitalized of the 209 beds available, Sardinia it has 45 inpatients out of the 180 available beds. The situation in Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta, Trentino Alto Adige, Campania and Puglia is much more serious. Who says that “in Calabria there are no beds”Obviously, he can’t read data and / or doesn’t know math. Backwards, Calabria is by far the region least affected by the pandemic not only in Italy, but on the entire European continent.. And this is an established scientific reality, which is independent of any government political choices about “red zones” and local blockades. No one can afford to say that Calabria will be a “red zone” due to the high number of infections, the high number of hospitalizations or the lack of beds: all are sensational buffalo.
So why have the country’s major newspapers been hammering Calabria’s “red zone” for days? As already mentioned, we would be talking about hoaxes and fake news if it were not for the fact that the news was beaten by all the main press agencies and the largest national newspapers, the most institutional and close to government sources. Therefore, it seems clear that the indiscretion is filtered directly by the Palazzo Chigi press office, headed by the prime minister’s spokesman. Rocco casalino.
The possible inclusion of Calabria among the new “red zones”- therefore – it is an exquisite hypothesis politics. A real war of the Government against a land that after the death of Jole santelli It has been orphaned of its governor, engaged in recent months on the front line during many battles in defense of Calabria.
It will be a coincidence or perhaps not, precisely today at 12:00 the Government has set a Council of Ministers that provides as the only item on the agenda the “Decree of Calabria”, aimed at extend the Regional Health Commissioner for another 24 months, extendable to 36. Calabrian health, in fact, has been continuously commissioned by the state since August 2010. More than ten years have passed and the territory has no jurisdiction in local health matters, unlike other regions. It is the state that determines the choices of this land., and the premier himself Conte just over a year ago (it was April 18, 2019) he presided over a Council of Ministers in Reggio Calabria promising “extraordinary measures for the health of Calabria“Provisions that no one has seen down here. Not before, during or after the first wave of the pandemic: They thought about scooters, wheelbases and vacation bonuses, but did nothing for hospitals and tampons. And now that it is the Government that reproaches the Region for arranging a “Red zone“Punitive”not because there are many infections, but because there are no beds”(As the well-informed wrote), when the the realization of the beds depended exclusively on the Government, is another one offensive taunt that Calabria cannot bear.
Also because it doesn’t really exist, as we’ve seen before, without hospital criticality and in fact, Calabria has the highest number of beds available compared to all other regions, certainly not because of the excellent medical care, but because of the very low number of hospitalized and because of the low incidence of the virus in the population of Calabria, which already in the first wave of March-April was the least affected region in Europe and now is confirming this trend.
In light of the war that the Government is waging with respect to the Region, it is good to recall the letter that on September 13, a month before his death, the governor Jole santelli sent to Prime Minister Conte: “I am writing from a region where the rights of citizens are trampled too often. Calabria He said Santelli – It is a land that has a lot of potential but also too many, too many unsolved problems. The most important of the trampled rights is that of Health. We have been victims for years of a government commissioner who, based solely on purely accounting logic, has destroyed Calabrian health care. In this, political responsibilities must be clear and clear. All health care options depend on the Government and its commissioners in Calabria. I was careful to avoid the institutional shock, I don’t think it’s good for anyone, but whoever decides to commission and make the decisions, then they must have the courage to assume the responsibility that follows. The Covid phase was managed by the Region in absolute harmony with the national government. The new emergency plan, on the other hand, at the request of the commissioners, was prepared by them without the participation of the Region, and launched by the competent Ministry. The new plan completely overturns the old approach and as far as I’m concerned I find it difficult to implement. In the meeting with Commissioner Arcuri and Ministers Speranza and Boccia, Arcuri specified that in the Regions where the ad acta commissioner is present, the Region is not the executing agency. I am not interested in being the implementer of a plan with which I do not agree, but it is necessary that the Calabrians know that the Government is assuming all the responsibilities of the health management of Covid in Calabria and that the Region has been totally deprived of authority. Sorry after months of loyal cooperation, just take note. The responsibility towards Calabrians must be clear, however, if the oncological network on breast cancer is redesigned and, despite the protests of the Region, it will continue to Street which, unfortunately, will lead to a new and strong medical emigration. I do not think that you, President Conte, are aware of these things but it is my moral and political obligation to highlight them. We Calabrians have the right to the health of a civilized country, I am not interested in waging a war against the national government, but I will not act as a lightning rod to severely penalize the decisions of my fellow citizens.”.
Words that all Calabrians should read, reread and interpret. Especially those who today are outraged by a “Red zone” possibly determined for political reasons, believing that there really are no beds – absolute fake news – and above all charging local politics for the health situation which is the sole responsibility of the central government of Rome.
A “red zone” that anyway it’s not ready yet, and if there is a minimum of justice in this country, There will not be From an epidemiological, clinical and hospital point of view, Calabria is the best situated region in Italy.
The election of the Government will mature in the next few hours, and in Palazzo Chigi they know well how much the Calabrians have been responsable according to the rules, how many sacrifices have done it quietly in recent months and how much respect had by authority. It is the only Region in Italy where even the street demonstrations in recent weeks have been carried out with all the necessary authorizations without any kind of violence and tension. The Calabrians were the only ones who did not set fire to the cities.. But nobody can bet that the Calabrians will continue to indifferently endure another confinement that would be completely unfounded compared to the epidemiological situation, which on the other hand in Calabria is absolutely under control.. It will be very difficult accept more closures and restrictions while hospitals in the region are half-empty and in the regional territory, exactly as in March and April, there is no ongoing health emergency, unlike what happens in other areas of our country. The differentiated closings had to be carried out already in March, only for the Lombardy and other outbreak areas of the Po Valley. The South and Calabria have already paid too much without ever having been in an emergency, and now the same situation is repeated. Differentiated closures are welcome, but only for regions that really have a hospital emergency. Because to make mistakes is human, but to persevere would be devilish. And here’s a huge one social bomb that is ready to explode.
If we consider that a good 20% of the 3,000 positives currently in Calabria are the immigrants that the Government has decided to host and host, doing Significantly increase the Rt index of the Region., then the outlines of the joke are outlined even more clearly.