
Franco Bechis
A few days ago at the Unity party in Cesena, the Democratic Party secretary Nicola Zingaretti drew some applause from the militants by stating that “fortunately” the coronavirus health crisis in Italy was addressed by the government that united him and Giuseppe Conte and not from the right of Matteo Salvini. Because in the countries of the world governed by sovereign law that Salvini and Giorgia Meloni like, “we have seen mass graves on the beaches.” The exit has rightly outraged the center-right leaders in Italy (after so many false sermons from the left against demonizations) and has seemed unhappy to the most unhappy. Not only was it: it is a deeply false claim. And it is time to tell the truth also in Italy, because things have gone exactly the other way around and now it is urgent and necessary to rewrite the history of these months and the chain of errors of the Italian government, finally destroying that hateful propaganda that Zingaretti, Conte and The company has always spread.

The numbers, first. The management of the coronavirus in Italy was not a success at all: 35,477 people died last night, that is, 589 deaths per million inhabitants. This figure places Italy in the fifth worst place in the world after Peru, Belgium, Spain and the United Kingdom. No country in the world led by sovereign or center-right leaders has had a tragic budget like the one led by Zingaretti and Conte. Italy had 21 deaths per million more than Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil, 30 deaths (per million) more than Donald Trump’s United States, 472 more deaths per million than Vladimir Putin’s Russia, 526 deaths per million more than Hungary Viktor Orban, 536 more than Andrzej Duda’s Poland, 550 more than Andrej Babis’s Czech Republic.

The truth, therefore, is the opposite: unfortunately Italy was not governed by the sovereign right of other European countries and the world, but by Conte and Zingaretti with whom we had many thousands of deaths that could have been avoided. And if I had been in the secretary of the Democratic Party, I would have avoided that reference to “mass graves on the beach” that perhaps had in mind a photo taken in Brazil: it is in Italy where the whole world has seen something very similar and tragic when the Military trucks took the dead from Bergamo because there were no more coffins and graves, and those bodies for long weeks were taken from their loved ones who could not cry for them and did not even know where and when to shed their tears.
The management of the health crisis in Italy was a dramatic disaster, not an excellence that everyone envies us as Zingaretti and Conte keep repeating with incredible hair on their stomachs. As the last secret report revealed yesterday by the good Riccardo Luna on the Republic shows, the Italian government and its majority deliberately ignored documents that had warned them about what would happen, and guiltily even emptied the warehouses where they exist. they were (not many) protective devices that would have served our doctors and nurses and were instead donated to China. How many Italians could have been saved without this unfortunate decision? And Zingaretti must also be reminded of what the virologist, whose skill the government would like to use today, Andrea Crisanti, said on television and in the newspapers in mid-March. He argued that the uncontrolled explosion of the coronavirus in Lombardy was caused in the “regrettable week in which everyone thought of reopening Milan, with politicians and the press in the lead.” And he added: “I was reading the data of the infected in Vo ‘, 3%, a huge amount. ‘Here it ends as in China’ I thought. Then I raised my head from the table and watched ‘Milano not stop’ on TV, snacks at the Navigli. He was resigned, discouraged. To strengthen myself, I repeated to myself: ‘Let’s hope they’re right.’ I just regret that I didn’t scream louder in those days. The dead in Lombardy were born in that crazy week, after the first deaths in Codogno ”.

It was Zingaretti who animated that unfortunate Milanese “reopening” week at the most regrettable moment possible. On Thursday, February 27, the secretary of the Democratic Party posted a happy photo embracing the young people of his party with whom he had gone to promote snacks at the Navigli. The evening ended in a pizzeria in Bollate with some eighty militants. That miserable campaign was the godmother of the coronavirus in Lombardy. Zingaretti had one eye closed because a few days later she was the first victim of that mistake, seriously ill from the virus. He is cured and we are happy for him. But after all this, the long years of political militancy should have advised him on the wisdom of silence, not on blatant lies about political opponents. Because the eye cannot always be closed. In fact, the time has come to open them all and review what happened in Italy.
Yesterday I discovered that he was officially related to my deputy director Francesco Storace, and I would never have guessed it (not even he, he confessed to me). But that is how it seems to have been decided by an exponent of our colorful and wonderful government, the Minister of Transport Paola De Micheli. In fact, in a meeting with the Regions it was she who proposed “a broader definition of the concept of family member, also extended to colleagues and co-workers” to make them get on public transport without taking the subway away from each other. other: they can sit in each other’s arms. Fortunately, Storace and I don’t take the same bus to work, and this unfortunate hypothesis will never come true. But understand that it is to laugh not to cry.
After having fooled us for months explaining that the school could have been safely opened only by maintaining a distance of at least one meter between the pupils’ “mouth rhymes”. After having directors throw away old two-seater desks that did not ensure distance and having enforced a “European” ban on searching single-seater or wheeled desks. After having driven the local authorities crazy by looking for all the places where it was possible to take lessons as an alternative to avoid chicken coop classes (oratories, cinemas, theaters, barracks …).
After all this, a minister from the same government jumps in and launches the new big idea: on school buses and also in traditional local means of transport, colleagues and even co-workers become relatives and can sit next to each other. of the other, even one. in the arms of the other. Not at school and on buses, yes? Did you discover that the coronavirus is so terrified of rough public drivers that it pulls away from those vehicles? Of course not. The answer is simple: once again, the government was surprised by something as planned and taken for granted as the reopening of schools. No one had come up with a very simple thing: with spacing rules, the seats on school buses and public transportation are much smaller than before, so more vehicles are needed. But having not thought about it because they spend their time chatting and proclaiming, and never solving the problems of others, the necessary buses are not there. And at this point it is very close to the reopening of schools. There is no time to buy them or find them any other way. Then everyone sitting one on top of the other, about the spacing that everyone had joked about and as individual desks are very likely not to be late or never, dear directors, hold on tight to the old two-seater desks.
And if you think that in April we were driven crazy by the definition of relatives with Giuseppe Conte’s dpcm who reopened visits to fifth-degree cousins but still prohibited meeting with boyfriends and close friends, we should appeal to the good soul of Franco. Basaglia: “Professor, do you grant us a single exception to the closure of psychiatric hospitals?” Because there the entire Council of Ministers should be locked up, perhaps in the company of the beloved technical-scientific committee with which these extraordinary opinions are produced.
Since they always put a lot of effort into complicating even the simplest things, we could avoid them by locking them up in asylum for at least the free damages they cause. It is not much, but it is better than the chaos they are causing in the school that all other countries in the world are reopening without problems.