The true story of the Spanish nurse “positive after the vaccine”


Many Italian newspapers, including the most important and widely read, have wrongly reported a story published yesterday afternoon on the website of the Spanish newspaper. The country. The title of the article is “A nurse who vaccinated against covid-19 in a residence in Lleida tests positive for coronavirus”, but for many Italian newspapers the nurse tested positive after being vaccinated.

The positivity of a newly vaccinated person against the coronavirus in itself would not have been news: the person could already be sick before receiving the vaccine, without reporting symptoms; the level of protection after the first dose is good but not very high; In any case, the aim of the vaccine is not to make an infection impossible, but to train our immune system to fight an infection without serious consequences. But the news was also false: the nurse had not been vaccinated, she was only giving the vaccine. However, for hours they have been online, and many still are, misleading and misleading headlines, which may suggest that the vaccine is useless.

The news was announced on the Twitter profile of the country as “last minute”, with an overemphasis that may be among the reasons that have misled the Italian newspapers. The headline read: “A nurse who vaccinated against covid-19 in a residence in Lleida tests positive for coronavirus.” The emphasis of the newspaper has led many readers to interpret “vaccinated” as “vaccinated”, changing the meaning of “she vaccinated” to “she was vaccinated”, and the same happened in many Italian newsrooms.

The country He explained that the nurse, who had never been vaccinated, tested positive on Monday, 24 hours after giving the first doses of the vaccine to the guests. Four other nurses were quarantined, as were the 66 guests at the retirement home. According to sources from the health department The country, the risk of contagion is minimal because the nurses administered the vaccine with personal protective equipment such as gowns, gloves and a double mask. There was also no contact for more than 15 minutes between the nurses and the people who received the vaccine.

Infection from nurses itself is an irrelevant fact: hundreds of thousands of people are infected every day, and it is now known that doctors and nurses are particularly at risk categories. And as we said, even a possible case of positivity after receiving the vaccine, a scenario never told by the country – would not in itself be strange or suspicious.

The news agency AGI It was one of the Italian newspapers that had published the fake news, with the title “A Spanish nurse tested positive for Covid 24 hours after the vaccine.” Many other Italian newspapers have given the same misinterpretation, including the Corriere della Sera.

AGI He then posted an update on the first few lines of the article, reporting that he corrected the article after that. The country in turn, he had corrected the original article. On the site of The countryHowever, no changes have been made: the title has always been the same as that of the first post, Tuesday afternoon. No corrections to the text are reported either.

Fan page spoke of a translation error, more realistic explanation. «Initially, due to a translation error of the article by The country who was the first to publish the news – a mistake that also made and for which we apologize to the readers – the hypothesis arose that the nurse herself had been vaccinated against Covid-19 ”.

Even the Corriere della Sera noted a correction to the article published Wednesday morning: “The article has been modified: contrary to what was badly written at first, it does not seem that the nurse herself has been vaccinated. We apologize to the readers. “
