The time when everything has to end Pay attention to the return home


the Christmas dinner still prohibited: there are no exceptions for Christmas Eve and for the traditional Italian custom of waiting for midnight to wish Merry Christmas. Anyone hoping for any waiver of the curfew, at least for today, will be disappointed. Although visits to friends and / or family are allowed, leaving a maximum of once a day on days when the country is in the red zone, these must still be exhausted at 10 pm. Movements after this time will be allowed only for the usual reasons of work, health and need and must always be justified.

In fact, in the FAQ published by Palazzo Chigi, we read verbatim that “Returning home after visiting friends and family should always take place between 5 and 22 (January 1 from 7 to 22) both in Red days both in orange. The reasons that justify travel between 10 pm and 5 am continue to be exclusively those of work, necessity and health.There is no doubt that this will be a different Christmas Eve for many, in which everything will have to be revolutionized to comply with the rules against the contagion of the coronavirus. As of today, in fact, all of Italy is a large red zone with restrictions similar to Anyone who leaves the house on these days must prove that they are within the limits allowed by the Dpcm and the decree of law, even in the schedule no curfew. public official at the time of control Statements could be verified at a later time and, if false, be subject to administrative sanction.

Christmas dinners and lunches have been canceled. This year no more than two guests who do not live together, who must always return home no later than 10 pm, unless they spend the night at the house they went to. Among the exemptions provided is the movement once a day to visit friends and family, even in other municipalities, provided that these are within the regional territory and always between 5 and 22 with the maximum limit of two people. , unless those who relocate do not have children under 14 years of age or disabled people living together. No Toast at Midnight This Year – You’ll have to settle for early celebrations with a few close friends, or alternatively a virtual toast via smartphone.
