In recent days, the news of the donation of 500 thousand euros from Atlantia Spa to the Lazio Region. “We did everything in a transparent way”, they say from Via Cristoforo Colombo to the newspaper morning, who raised the issue for the first time. Technically, in fact, Atlantia, like other large Italian companies, donated the amount based on article 99 of the decree law of March 23, 2020 that provided for the possibility of making “donations to support the fight against the epidemiological emergency of Covid -19 “. “.
But the opposition to Pisana, in recent weeks, has wondered if it was really appropriate for a company at the center of a legal battle with the government to donate half a million euros to the region run by the leader of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti. The secretary of the same party to which the Minister of Transport belongs, Paola De Micheli, who personally deals with the departure of the Benetton company from Autostrade per l’Italia after the tragedy of the collapse of the Morandi bridge in Genoa, which cost the life of 43 people.
“There are anomalies in the matter that President Zingaretti would do better to clarify,” he explains. Giornale.it Chiara colosimo, councilor of the Brothers of Italy who at the beginning of December posed a question to the president. The question of the political expediency of receiving financing from a company so in the limelight is not the only one that causes perplexity. In fact, on March 31, the Board of Directors of Atlantia resolved “the disbursement of donations worth 5 million euros to support the management of the emergency caused by Covid19, to develop research, diagnosis and assistance projects for citizens who they have contracted the virus and encourage the commitment of humanitarian associations with the weakest sectors of the population ”.
Among them, that of building, with a contribution of 500 thousand euros for the Lazio Region, the new “Covid Hospital” of the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome, to house about 80 Covid patients. The company also specified that the grant would be used “to finance part of the renovation of the premises and to purchase the necessary medical equipment.” But surprisingly, with one deliberates On November 26, at the proposal of the Councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato, the Region opts to change the destination of the funds made available by Atlantia and decides to put them in motion to acquire the “deep freezer“for” the implementation of the feasibility plan for the first phase of administration of the Covid-19 vaccine.
“The money from donations, however – explains a source within the entity’s offices – they are linked to the intended use expressed by the company and cannot be used for other purposes. ”“ In this case – he continues – even only one of the shareholders of the company could request them However, net of the fact that Atlantia, in an official statement, puts pencil on paper that it had donated the sum in “agreement” with the Region for the construction of the Covid hospital in Tor Vergata, there are currently no administrative acts that justify the use of the sums for a purpose other than that indicated by the company in the donation resolution.
Not only. In the same resolution of November 26, the city council assures that it will proceed “with subsequent acts, after the adoption of the corresponding budgetary variation, to commit to chapter H22131 of financial year 2020 the total amount” destined “to the autonomous acquisition of an endowment minimum number of freezers for storing vaccinations Covid-19. “But after more than two weeks in the outgoing chapter mentioned in the resolution, H22131, that ilGiornale.it I could see that the money is not there yet. Inside, in fact, there are 3 million euros, the result of a donation made by Enel Cuore Onlus, already ceded in full, in line with the provisions of the association, for the ASL Roma 4, the Sant’Andrea hospital and the Tor Vergata polyclinic foundation.
“What are the reasons that led the Department of Health and the Department of Sanitary and Socio-Sanitary Integration to allocate the amount donated by Atlantia, and initially reserved for the creation of the Covid Hospital of the Tor Vergata Polyclinic, to the purchase of freezers for the implementation of the feasibility plan for the first phase of administration of the Covid-19 vaccine “in the absence of”Act administrative “that would allow” the use of the sum donated by Atlantia SpA for a purpose other than that indicated by the company itself in its donation resolution, “Chiara Colosimo asks in the question.
And again: “Has the Lazio region officially and formally informed Atlantia SpA about the change of destination of the sum that the same company had donated following a resolution of its Board of Directors?”. Questions that for now remain unanswered. “We would not like the regional administration to have gotten into a mess that is difficult to get out of,” says Colosimo. After all, it would not be the first time the regional council has shown little familiarity with the money Public, just look at the history of the masks that deliberately continue in silence, ”urges the regional councilor, who asks Zingaretti to intervene to clarify the matter.