“The three directors did not sign the minutes.” Restrictions at Christmas, everything in the hands of Conte – Libero Quotidiano


Just the crack of Scientific technical committee, Italy can now expose the “complete” cartel regarding problems related to the current epidemiological situation. As if that were not enough, the threat of the government crisis from the Renzianos, who take seriously the control room of the Recovery Fund, much desired by Giuseppe Conte, now the prime minister must also deal with the conflicting opinions of the experts, who advised the prime minister more controls and restrictions but without going into details.

The division within the CTS is certified by three general directors of the Ministry of Health – Achille Iachino, Andrea Urbani and Giovanni Rezza – who did not sign the final report. Reports on Corriere della Sera, underlining that the document sent to the government does not refer to specific regulations to be modified, but only to the distribution of the line of rigor after the gatherings that took place over the weekend. Although there are some reports, such as the yellow zone that would not be enough for the Christmas period: the CTS calls for tougher measures, which are those designed for the orange or even red areas, but the times and forms must be decided only by the government. this time.
