the “therapeutic” manger of dr. Serafini, miraculous by the covid


He has always had a passion for nativity scenes, a family tradition that he has carried inside since he was born. But this year was different for Gianni Serafini, Head of Otorhinolaryngology of Termoli and Campobasso. A terrible year, in which he fell ill with Covid very seriously and recovered. Then inevitably even her crib is different from all the others.

Bethlehem Gianni serafini

Inside it he put suffering, the most tragic memories, a series of unequivocal metaphors that make this representation unique but, in a sense, adaptable to all humanity that has made – and is dealing with – the ferocity of the Sars Cov pandemic. 2.

“It is a therapeutic cradle for me, that I was saved from the disease and that today I am disoriented, even scared, at the madness of certain words and certain statements that deny the scientific truth as they deny the effectiveness of the vaccine, the only weapon that can save us ”.

Gianni Serafini built that crib in his living room, almost an exercise in catharsis, a medicine for the soul. The wooden structure is divided into vertical planes that trace the circles of Dante’s hell. Because Covid is hell, and he’s been there in that hell and he’s back to the point where he can tell about it. His representation of the nativity scene begins with the victims, with the church of Bergamo and the extension of coffins with no one to accompany the dead. And they are not a “distant fact”, something that does not belong to us because next to those coffins indelibly printed in our memory is also the photograph of Salvatore Cannarsa, “My friend who lost the war against the covid”, the first one killed by the virus in Molise last March.

Bethlehem Gianni serafini

There are the dead, in fact, no one around them except the priest. From there the ramp leads to the second level, where the Resuscitation department is located, in which Dr. Serafini was for three weeks and which he describes as a “purgatory“Because just like Dante’s purgatory is one middle ground, suspended between life and death. In that space he inserted the photograph -which became viral in Molise- of the day he left the Intensive Care Unit, surrounded by armored doctors and nurses behind his contagion-proof clothing.

And again: there is the round of distancing with the masked characters, where there are people who have not gotten sick and who do not want to get sick, and rising again comes liberation, represented by an image of friends who are together, now dated a long time ago. And then finally – he says – here is the level of the Nativity that is the hope of a future as beautiful as the image of Termoli, the projection of a better world with the sea and the clear sky that symbolize the rebirth ”.

Bethlehem Gianni serafini

A special crib that is also a cure. “It’s an idea that came to mind in November, but I designed and built it in a couple of days. And having done it did me good. “

Could rebirth somehow also be represented by the vaccine?

“Today we know that the vaccine is the only thing that can protect us because we have seen that none of the drugs we use is really capable of curing us. The vaccine, along with the monoclonal antibodies, is our hope of winning the pandemic. “

Will you receive the Covid vaccine?

“I gave my name to Asrem, of course I will even if I am in the queue having had the disease. I no longer have the antibodies like last October but the memory cells remain, but in the case of Covid we do not know how long they will last. It is an enigma, like so many things about this disease that we know very little about. Still very little. “

Gianni Serafini

How do you judge, who is not only a doctor but also a Covid survivor, the mistrust of those who do not want to be vaccinated?

“Everybody should want to get vaccinated and I get puzzled when I talk to people who are willing to believe the strangest things, the most original opinions so as not to believe in science. This is madness, which pushes humanity into darkness, backwardness instead of projecting it toward positivism and science. I hear and read shocking heresies, for example, that the vaccine modifies DNA, things of this kind that are absolutely baseless and of which those who put them into circulation should be ashamed. This is an RNA vaccine, which does not enter the nucleus at all, much less genome-modifying or other such nonsense. The vaccine is our hope and it is a concrete hope, finally within reach ”.
