the teachers and the local police leave


Phase 1 of the coronavirus vaccination among those over 80 years of age is nearing completion, in the Ligurian reserves for the so-called “priority” categories identified by the start of the national vaccination plan.

As of Tuesday morning, therefore, teachers (of all types and roles) and Local Police agents will be able to contract the vaccine from general practitioners, some 1,500 professionals who have received the letter in these days with all the expected standards. so much for the ministerials. and regional level.

Once the reservation system managed by Liguria Digitale (through the Polis platform) has been defined, doctors have at their disposal an explanatory tutorial and a number for any clarification, and will be able to choose whether to administer the vaccine directly in the consultation or refer patients (the ultra fragile) to the center of the different Asl where they can receive the dose.

Covid vaccines, Toti opens to individuals: “We want to increase the number from April”

In addition to the teachers and agents of the Local Police, there are reservations for ultra-fragile patients and for fragile patients: both categories must go through their GP, who will certify the degree of fragility and, in the case of ultra-fragile patients, will also indicate the need to vaccinate the parents of any ultra-frail patient under 16 years of age.

The goal is to reach 50,000 vaccines administered starting next week with the official departure of the doctors, set for March 15: the estimate is 23,000 additional vaccines per week, in addition to the 26-27 thousand already administered by the ASL to date. The Liguria region, however, has decided to further increase the pace by also involving private health operators, as confirmed by President Giovanni Toti.

The second channel, that of family doctors, will carry the vaccination campaign to 50,000 administrations starting next week, except for a possible “stoppage” in Rome in the shipment -he explained- In the next few days, however, we intend publish an expression of interest to involve additional private entities in the vaccination chain. Confcommercio Salute has already opened an experimental vaccination center in Caesarea, and in the next few days we will meet with private health representatives to add an additional quota of vaccines administered in the first days of April ».

To date, Toti added, with the remodeling of the reserve lists, less than 1% of the elderly recipients of the vaccine have a reserve beyond the month of May: “We are more rescheduling – he specified – and we count on not having any. elderly vaccinated during the month of May. Closing phase 1 has substantially ended, there are some sporadic RSA and situations in which it was not possible to proceed because the covid clusters were in progress, but from an organizational point of view we can consider it already closed ” .

“Of the almost 94,000 registered, less than a thousand remained in vaccination from June 1 onwards – added Enrico Castanini, general manager of Liguria Digitale – in Genoa we reached 8 out of every thousand

Immunizations for teachers, when booking

Teachers, as mentioned, are the category that will first receive the Astrazeneca vaccine from general practitioners along with local police officers.

To reserve the vaccine through a family doctor, all teachers of public schools, peer schools and training courses, while permanent teachers but resident elsewhere, enrolled in another ASL or those who do not have a general practitioner , they will be included in a special list provided. by the direction of the regional school and will be called directly by the local health authority.

The reservation system is fully managed by general practitioners in the way that the patient usually communicates with their doctor. Therefore, the reservation can be made by phone, text message, whatsapp or email and doctors can choose whether to carry out the vaccination in their own office or use the rooms and staff that ASL puts at their disposal. Therefore, for each of the 19 districts of Liguria there will be places reserved for doctors by the ASL.

Liguria Digitale for its part has provided a system that allows data collection to be carried out as quickly as possible: each doctor refers to a district and can choose between the administration option in the office or in the district offices, and All the data that allow the doctor to select the categories of the patient (fragile, ultra fragile, teaching staff, local police) will be available with a few clicks directly from the system.

Covid sanctions, Bucci: “Sunday 57 in a day”

Genoa Mayor Marco Bucci also spoke on Monday night, who spoke again about the excessive number of sanctions withdrawn over the weekend for violation of anti-coronavirus rules.

“On Sunday the Local Police executed 57 sanctions for violating the covid legislation – said Bucci – there were crowds and situations that we do not deserve, and that is a problem, because it is true that we continue to vaccinate, but the more we comply with the rules, the more we get out of this situation as soon as possible, 57 infractions in a day is a number too high for a city that wants to fight against the covid ».
