The teacher who theorized the inferiority of Africans? “I pretended to be black for years”, that’s his true face – Libero Quotidiano


American University Professor George Washington and Jessica Krug, he has pretended to be black for years. However, the color of her skin said something else. Yes, black hair, flattened nose, tanned complexion, that’s how she introduced herself to her students, recounting over the years that she was first of “North African origins”, then “American black” and finally “Caribbean but with roots in the Bronx.”

Too bad the Krug, what he taught African American history, it was really a white Kansas City woman of Jewish descent. “I built theremy life about a violent lie against blacks and I always lied, with every breath I took, “wrote the professor in a place taken from BBC. The woman explained the behavior as “the epitome of violence, stealing and appropriation, the myriad ways that non-blacks continue to abuse black identities and cultures,” and explained that she even lied in her personal relationships.

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It is not clear why he did this, either to obtain a professorship at the university or for other reasons, but he has justified his behavior claiming to have mental problems and trauma immediately as a child and in adolescence, although she admits that they do not represent an excuse for her behavior.

Krug even had a fighting name Afro activist “Jessica La Bombalera”. Jessica would have continued to lie if she hadn’t been caught, she said. the author of the film Nero Hari Ziyad, who commented on Twitter: “Jessica was someone who thought she was my friend, until she called me this morning admitting everything that was written. She did not do it without profit.”

“Some Latino students had asked them Recently clarification to Krug about its origins, “he explained, Yomaira Figueroa, associate professor of Diaspora Studies at Michigan State University. “It wasn’t a witch hunt”, he tweeted, “but there was a need for clarification.”

Yarimar bonillaThe Hunter College Professor of Anthropology and Puerto Rican Studies explained on Twitter: “He cheated on me too, but I always thought he had something strange. He raped us psychologically with false information, not only to make us think she was a black woman, but also letting us believe that we were politically and intellectually lower
