“The stylist”. Revolt of the governors – Libero Quotidiano


The first Minister Giuseppe Conte signed the new Dpcm which imposes the “red zone” in 5 regions and a general curfew from 10pm to 5am throughout the national territory. Compared to the leaked draft late in the afternoon, there would only be one novelty that emerged from the summit at Palazzo Chigi with the heads of the majority delegation, the Minister for Regional Affairs. Francesco Boccia and the Undersecretary of the Prime Minister’s Presidency Riccardo Fraccaro. Stores remain open Barber Shop even in the areas that fall into scenario 4, the one with the highest risk.

It will depend on the Ministry of Health Roberto Speranza the decision to move or not a region from one risk band to another, with the power, therefore, to override the governors. For this reason the conference of the regions, through the mouth of the spokesman for the President of Emilia Romagna Stefano bonaccini, of the Democratic Party, calls for “greater collaboration” between the government and regional departments and a possible “contradiction” at the time of the final election. The Ristori decree also worries the governors: the governor of Piedmont Alberto Cirio it asks for “allocations and certain disbursement deadlines”, which are still vague at the moment.

Specifically, in the Dpcm, there is part of the curfew: from 10 pm to 5 am “only movements motivated by proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons are allowed. In any case it is strongly recommended to all natural persons throughout the day, do not travel in public or private means of transport, except for reasons of work, study, health, situations of need or to carry out activities or use non-suspended services. ”In the 5 regions of the” red zone “, Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria, South Tyrol me Aosta Valley, “every change inside and outside the territories. “In the areas of greatest risk, shops, “except for the food business.” However themotor activity “close to your home” and with the obligation of mask and sports activity “exclusively outdoors and individually”. In short, a dip in the days of March and April. “Suggested” smart work at the highest possible levels, both in the public administration and in the private sector, and differentiated entries of personnel.
