The storms and weather warnings are coming – they’re made to protect us, even when they make mistakes


Savona. Here we are. The weather is variable, the clouds come and go and sometimes get dark. Autumn is here among us with all its unknowns.

Let’s put aside for a moment the health emergency, the growing infections, the important flu vaccines so as not to confuse a trivial flu with Covid: there are no vaccines for everyone and nobody knows who and how to practice them. In this sense, family doctors have raised a dangerous alarm: how are we going to vaccinate the population in our offices, which are mostly in crowded apartment buildings, without avoiding gatherings? Intensive consultations are taking place between the family doctors union and the Local Health Authority.

Let’s go back to autumn and what will be the increasingly frequent weather warnings (yellow, orange or red) with the municipal administrations adopting the consequent precautionary measures, sometimes mandatory and other discretionary.

So it happens that there are alarming forecasts but in a few hours the sun is shining, or that bad weather is not expected (it happened recently in Palermo) and instead disasters will occur.

The science of weather forecasting, although it has evolved and sometimes receives a shower of water per minute, is still not perfect, especially in our area, where the microclimate often protects us from major problems.

The meteorological alert system, however, is a step forward of the great civilization, within the framework of a modern Civil Protection, and we have to deal with it, even when it confronts us with errors that seem macroscopic, because it was born to protect us. Then there are the municipal administrations that apply any directives, with the sole purpose of relieving themselves of responsibility, and others that perhaps run some risk (you may end up in court on the defendants’ bench) but try until the last moment to understand what the real situation is for not face closures that cause serious inconvenience to its citizens.

Recently, curiosity has been aroused by the case of a peddler at the Monday market in Savona who, oblivious to the weather alert and the consequent cancellation of the market, calmly mounted his banquet, unique in all the streets of the center. The traffic police appeared to remove him, but in the meantime the sun had defeated the bad forecasts. And him: sorry, it’s sunny, why don’t you do the market?

Borderline cases that also make us smile, but should not make us forget that the alert system has helped save many lives compared to when the sudden bad weather flooded the rivers causing floods and victims.

And if there is sun, better.
