On Monday, November 9, the US pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced that the experimental vaccine against the coronavirus that it is developing, in collaboration with the German BioNTech, has given results above expectations, proving to be more effective than expected.
In spite of the step 3 The trial is still in progress, and caution is a must, the news marks important progress in vaccine trials to contain the pandemic. However, Pfizer’s announcement not only had the effect of encouraging those hoping for a coronavirus vaccine, it also had an impact on stock exchanges around the world, with all of the world’s major stock exchanges closing the day with strong hike.
As you point out today The sun 24 hours, To benefit from Pfizer’s announcement were mainly the actions that had been penalized by the pandemic (the aviation sector, the tourism sector and the oil sector, for example), while “the bet to return to normality” It generated sales in the stocks that had benefited the most from the pandemic so far, such as companies developing coronavirus tests, home delivery companies, Netflix, Zoom and even Amazon.
On a day when Piazza Affari gained 5.43%, Diasorin share, which since the beginning of the year has been the best performer among Ftse Mib shares (+ 74% at the close of Friday), lost more than 16% . The case of Salluggia, the market leader in serological tests and swabs, is not isolated. Many other populations that in recent months have benefited from the health emergency have paid the duty of speculation about the return to normality fueled by the preliminary results of the Pfizer vaccine that, as is known, have exceeded the most optimistic expectations.
What could the end of the emergency mean? In Diasorin’s case, there may be less demand for tests and swabs. In the case of the German food delivery company HalloFresh (+ 152% since the beginning of the year yesterday, 15% less) fewer orders than those who work from home. And the list can go on and on. Especially if you move to Wall Street, where most of the tech stocks that have benefited from the pandemic are listed. Like the well-known video conferencing app Zoom Communication (+ 534% since the beginning of the year) yesterday in sharp contrast. Or, to mention the largest capitalization titles, the streaming platform Netflix (+ 47% since the beginning of the year). Even a giant of the caliber of Amazon (+ 69% since the beginning of the year) paid the tax yesterday.
It is significant, from this point of view, that the Nasdaq, perhaps the index that benefited the most from the pandemic (+ 32% since the beginning of the year), traveled just above parity while in the rest of the Stock Market meeting.
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