The Sports Judge: Insigne, just one day of disqualification


The Napoli captain, sent off against Inter for a few words too much in the direction of Massa, feared at least two days. A tough hand, however, for the Verona midfielder

Expelled for a few more words in the speech of referee Massa after the penalty awarded to Inter, Lorenzo Insigne escapes with a single day of disqualification and a fine of 10,000 euros “to have, at 26 of the second.” time, with shameless gestures directed at the referee with disrespectful expressions ”, reads the device of the sports judge of Serie A, Gerardo Mastrandrea.


A hard hand instead against Antonin Barak: three rounds of disqualification for the Verona midfielder, sent off in Wednesday’s game against Sampdoria. Schiattarella (Benevento), Locatelli (Sassuolo), Chabot (Spezia), Singo (Turin) will remain stationary for one day only. Among the directors, a posting and a fine of 5,000 euros to the director of Benevento, Pasquale Foggia.
