The ‘Spontaneous Citizen Movement for the Presiding Dragons’ is born


The 'Spontaneous Citizens Movement by President Dragones' is born

Ask Mario Draghi to lead the country and ask all political groups to work with him and then go to the vote. With this idea the ‘Movimento Spontaneo Cittadini per Draghi Presidente’ was born, which appeals to all Italians. “At this time of serious crisis but of great opportunity, Italy needs to be led by a man of government prepared from a financial and economic point of view, with a lot of experience behind him, respected and listened to by everyone and around the world. One man credible at home and in the world, a man capable of creating a natural silence when he speaks, a man who is not afraid to take strong and decisive positions for the good of Italy and its citizens, this man exists. and his name is Mario Draghi ”, reads a statement from the movement.

We are in the middle of the biggest health emergency of the century, with the economy to reactivate and 209,000 million euros, partly as a grant and partly as a loan, that the European Union is willing to allocate for the recovery and development of “Italy. We need a person that Europe considers trustworthy and who knows how to plan their arrival and expenses within the established deadline. Our ranks do not have any well-established or prominent political figures, only capable and hard-working citizens, from all walks of life. ” , of varied education and origin, who want to see our country guided safely and effectively in this difficult time. We need a head of government supported by the entire Parliament – the note continues – who can, even immediately, eliminate the limitations, ties and traps that make it impossible for the public administration to plan and effectively spend European grants in a given and short period of time ” .

“We call on all the Italian people to join us in large numbers in asking Mario Draghi to commit himself for his country and ours. 18 months at the head of the government to get out of the health emergency and begin the recovery of the country, to then be proposed and voted by all to the Presidency of the Republic at the end of the term of the current president Sergio Mattarella – explain the promoters of the initiative – We call on the political forces in the field to give Draghi the support of a large parliamentary majority, work with him to alleviate the very serious current situation and then elect him to the Presidency of the Republic in 2022 ”.

After his election as President of the Republic, the country can immediately go to the vote to regain a credible majority and opposition, and again, a government led by a Prime Minister legitimized by popular vote. In each municipality, fraction, district of Italy we ask those who share our objective to participate with us and join those who ask Mario Draghi to commit to Italy ”, the statement concludes. Anyone interested can join through the website: or via Facebook on the page “Movimento spontaneous citizens Draghi Presidente”.

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