The Spanish Chamber has approved a bill that allows euthanasia


On Thursday, the Spanish Chamber of Deputies approved in first reading a bill introducing euthanasia for people suffering from incurable diseases. The bill, presented by the Socialist Party of President Pedro Sánchez, obtained 198 votes in favor, 138 against and 2 abstentions. In addition to the Socialist Party, a left-wing coalition in government with the socialists, Junts per Catalunya (center-right Catalan separatists), CUP (far-left Catalan separatists) and Ciudadanos (liberal party) voted in favor of the United We Can law. from the right, to the opposition).

They voted against the Popular Party (right), Vox (extreme right) and the Unión del Pueblo Navarro (center-right party in Navarra). The law will now also have to go through the Senate, where the government has enough numbers to easily pass it, and it can take effect in early 2021. If the law is passed, Spain will become the sixth country in the world to legalize the law. . euthanasia, after the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada and New Zealand.

The law establishes that people with an incurable disease can benefit from euthanasia after having requested euthanasia up to four times and after having submitted the necessary medical reports to prove their condition. The request must be examined and accepted by an examination committee, then the patient must give his consent for the last time. However, the law establishes the right to conscientious objection by health personnel.

Euthanasia, according to the bill, can be carried out in public or private facilities, or even at the patient’s home.
