A letter with harsh tones, without wanting to turn anyone’s back to the wall, but to ask for a radical change in the management of the emergency due to coronavirus in Molise. They signed it 98 mayors, even if someone denied having put their signature on the document – ask Asrem for greater involvement and above all greater clarity.
And the management of the regional health authority to be targeted. The inconsistency between the actual data and those released – as reported several times on these pages – and the appearance of new outbreaks discovered as a result of rapid paid tests, according to the mayors are “a sign that the situation is far from under control“The signers sound a very specific alarm: people have lost faith those who handle the emergency and this could trigger other negative factors.
The letter arrives later numerous reports that mayors had already submitted, both informally and formally, to inform, among other things, communication with days, if not weeks of delay from negative patients, who remain positive in newsletters and that, therefore, lead people to have doubts and suspicions. But also communicating positivity days late, which complicates the work of local administrations in the measures to be taken, such as the closure of schools.
The reaction of President Donato Toma was immediate and that is why he convened mayors by videoconference next Saturday to discuss the Covid-19 emergency. We already know that many mayors will ask to do the Vietri di Larino Covid Hospital. A game that, however, seems largely closed.
The demands are clear: a permanent table extended to mayors to agree on decisions, maximum data transparency and limitations on the movement of people.
Meanwhile, the editor of the magazine ‘La Fonte ‘, Don Antonio Di Lalla, has published a video in which he asks President Toma specific questions. “Enough of lies – attacks the priest -. It cannot ask for unity if it is the element of division. Regional councilors, you are accomplices ”.
This is the content of the mayors’ letter.
Dear president,
It is in the exercise of the faithful tribute of representation to the Molisanos, of which we are an integral part and the representation team itself, that we express an invitation to the regional government for consultation and due cooperation.
In fact, the contingent circumstances linked to epidemiological diffusion throughout the national territory have shown, among the effects, the impoverishment of the fiduciary fabric between people and institutional representations.
The reduction of trust, unfortunately, must be sought as a consequence of the evident disconnection that occurs every day every time that the man in the street puts epidemiological data and the health reaction in a small relationship with the real situation.
In fact, just over a month after the start of the second wave of Coronavirus infection, it is clear that the situation, even in Molise, is far from under control.
Finally, all too often, there is an obvious mismatch between the necessary implementation of the best rules of precaution and reaction to epidemiological spread and concrete government action.
The mayors, first among the citizens, physically present throughout the territory, committed daily and constantly to the fight against the spread of the infection, have repeatedly given voice to the discomfort of the territory and the local difficulties, maintaining, not without difficulty, a profile institutional. of cooperation with the regional government, despite the general perplexities about the comprehensive management of the pandemic.
However, to date – and in 9 months – we have never been involved in any way, we have been interested in the discussion tables to face together the effects of the epidemic.
The evident disinterest of the regional government has led it to the results that are evident to all, depriving itself of the true restoring force of the good rules of cooperation, because the epidemic affects everyone and it is with the joint effort that is contained, that you fight.
A symptom of the lack of management of regional policy is the total inconsistency between what Asrem’s data reveals on the number of infections and the patients recovered, in whose genesis it would be convenient to deepen the focus, these data are in fact too often incorrect , incomplete and contradictory – with the real situation that we, precisely because we are present and attentive, actually register.
With the spread of rapid tests and the consequent possibility of undergoing the examination for the investigation of Covid19 in general practitioners, elements immediately emerged about outbreaks that have no connection to known clusters, a sign that the situation is not under any circumstances. control, and that corroborate the unacceptable uncertainty of the areas of protection of citizens.
The number and spread of the infection are no longer so limited as to allow, despite the limitations of the ordinances, free movement in the territory.
Cases of positive symptomatic symptoms are steadily increasing and the number of deaths in the second wave has doubled.
We detect asymptomatic infections among relatives and relatives, among friends and acquaintances, not linked to any critical situation but that spread the virus quickly and uncontrollably.
Doctors speak of collapsed hospitals, aid without doctors, last but not least the cases of the 118 in Agnone and Cerro al Volturno that, according to the regional emergency plan, are advanced aid units and, therefore, forced to have a doctor. without a doctor -, of failed calls and lack of interventions due to lack of personnel and reception places.
We detected too long times for swabs in subjects with symptoms and / or possible clusters.
And the negative trend does not seem to point to a decline.
Such a situation is no longer sustainable: we must give the citizens answers because we are their first point of reference.
But how can we do it if we ourselves are denied access to the treasure chest of the authentic items of the assessment, hitherto so jealously hidden for their protection, certainly not in the interest of the Molisanos?
For this reason, with this joint letter, without political nuance but with the common and unique interest that of the protection of health and the territory, we are here to ask for the immediate establishment of a permanent commission, a discussion table with the mayors, which assumes the objective of sharing and rationalizing the evaluation elements on the health status of the Molisanos and on the critical factors of which we are, by mission, daily witnesses.
Therefore, we ask, in the first place, that all the information related to the hospital options – Hub, Spoke, field hospitals and possible desirable reopening of the existing structures – is disseminated, in the current state of regional hospitals, the deficiencies and especially the actions that the Government The regional government intends to implement to guarantee care to all those who need it, and not only to positive Covid patients.
We request that actions of maximum transparency be taken immediately in order to disseminate correct and constantly updated data on the positive aspects present in the communities, so that we can work on the management of communication with our citizens and the control of our communities, such as it is our responsibility.
We are calling for the immediate adoption of the reduction of movements, reducing the actions and movements in the area to a vital minimum, in order to trigger the reduction of contagion, to give encouragement to laboratories overloaded with orders for tampons, to hospitals , to medical health personnel and to allow a rapid reorganization of home services, now more than ever, necessary to reduce access to hospitals only to acute cases.
We can no longer face the serious epidemiological emergency without a common and coordinated line of action, without equal, and denying the protagonists of the pandemic scenario, the citizens, the awareness of what is really happening to them.
We owe it to our communities.