“The situation in Lombardy and Varese is serious and we are eager to decide”


raffaele cattaneo

The data on infections is worrying. Not so much and not only because of what is happening today, but because of forecasts of the spread of the virus in the coming weeks.

The Minister of the Environment Raffaele Cattaneo knows well the regional situation and also that of our province. It does not prevent it: “I would not want Varese to become what Bergamo was in the first wave of this second wave of Covid-19. We are at the limit ”.

They fit like this decisions made yesterday for the Giunta, for President Fontana, together with the mayors of the provincial capitals and with the majority and minority councilors. On this occasion we have used a fair and correct method that involves everyone because the general interest must be put first ”.

Councilor, how are you?

“It is going critically, because the absolute figures are manageable, but every week we see a doubling of cases in three provinces and in recent days the pace has accelerated. The number of people hospitalized in the Varese province has tripled. This cannot leave us indifferent. What will happen? In the next two weeks the figures will continue with this trend because any provision will take effect in 15 days.

Does that mean that the forecasts are still bad?

«The figures are going to get much worse and should make us think. In the next 15 days we will have 600 hospitalized in intensive care and 4000 in other wards. These are the data provided by the Scientific Technical Committee and are very reliable.

What do we have to do?

‘Should we decide based on today’s data or on forecasts? Surely the second because if we do not decide something immediately, the curve will continue to grow and if it does it suddenly we will not be able to change it quickly. Public opinion sees the situation today and reacts with current figures, but we have a responsibility to look forward. We must prevent the situation from becoming unmanageable. Today’s measures are unpopular, but they may try to reverse the curve. If we waited, the stakes would be very high. Therefore, it was correct to share the most restrictive provision with everyone.

What is the most delicate situation?

«Today the greatest difficulty is in Milan, then in Varese. We must put the general interest and not the particular interest before everything. In the method, having shared these options is important and correct. We know that people struggle and can’t take it anymore because we have a difficult time behind us. However, we take into account that today we can only control this virus, but not win because we do not have vaccines and treatments. Therefore, we must rule the situation now before it is too late. Tracking infections is essential. As long as they are few it is easy, but if they increase rapidly there will be no system to control people. We must intervene immediately.

Is it enough when you decide?

“I would have opted for a more drastic measure that would contemplate the blockade of public spaces from 9 pm, keeping the premises open inside because this would have allowed us not to damage economic activities. At this stage, however, our decision is a strong signal for people to understand that the situation is delicate and could be more critical than in the spring. It is not necessarily a sufficient measure. A balance must be found between health needs without sowing a sense of alarm and terror. We must be cautious and serious, but avoiding the prostration of people. This balance is the task of politics. ‘

The measures refer to the curfew from 23:00 to 05:00 and the closure of non-food shopping centers on weekends. Until?

“Non-food malls will be closed on weekends to prevent people from filling everything there. All of this will last until November 13 and then we’ll see. We have to stop the spread and when we return to a more manageable period we will have to look for new balances. I am against maximalism, but also against those who say that nothing should be done. Both are justifiable, but our role is to find the balance.

Many distinctions and even critical positions begin …

«I do not share some critical positions on the measures because I have the possibility to see the numbers, the data. The mistake we could make now is to stop. It is like a fire. Fire must be extinguished immediately to avoid having to face high flames. I understand who, like the president of the Chamber of Commerce, wants to defend the economy, but precisely to protect it we must now intervene energetically to avoid subsequent closure. Better a painful measure now than an even stronger one later. If we do nothing now, the risk would be very high. Let’s think about a blockade at Christmas time: it would be lethal for commerce and we must avoid it.

Every day we see a series of numbers, but the data is something else …

“I agree because we have to look at the curves to understand what is happening. We need data to clarify what will happen. We need to look at the trend and this makes us understand that the situation has changed. There is a vertical swell and the province of Varese is the one with the most violent situation. I never wanted us to become the Bergamo of the second phase. We cannot underestimate the situation. We can’t wait for intensive care to be complete. This data should be shared more to better understand what is happening. ‘

How is the material situation?

“I led a working group until June 15, when the situation was rectified. Now I don’t care anymore. At that time he was compromised because the competent commissioner was sick with covid. However, today we have a strategic supply of masks and other protective devices. We also have a local Lombard production system to make these devices. ‘

Councilor has questioned the transmission of the Report both because of the famous story of the dresses and because of the relationship with Caianiello. What is your position?

“Everyone has forgotten that the top priority in those days was giving gowns to our doctors. At that time there were few companies that could convert production. I was and remain convinced that we did well even in the face of a potential conflict of interest. In those days, those available to convert were counted on the fingers of one hand.

On the more political side, Report’s reconstruction is misleading and I was shocked to see an interpretation in which I become Caianiello’s puppet. Anyone who knows my history and my politics knows that we were opponents within the same party and later in different parties. There are wiretaps in which Caianiello tells Fontana not to appoint me councilor. Regarding the history of my interest in the gowns, the messages were very different and are in the documents of the Judicial Power because the will to lend a hand was Dini’s and not mine. There is a common thread in the entire program that starts from Fontana to reach Caianiello that speaks openly about the links with the Ndrangheta. What Reporta claims is not true. There is a political objective that wants to show that Lombardy is badly governed and then let others rule it. We want to hit the center-right junta and use instrumentally a dramatic situation that required urgent measures.
