“The situation has now changed” – Libero Quotidiano


There is a rumor that we have verified ”. Giuseppe Conte abandoned by three former grillini considered close to voting for confidence in the government. 20.10, Enrico Mentana drop the bomb on Mentana Marathon on La7: “Much more than a voice, it changes things”, explains the director of TgLa7, giving the floor to his correspondent at Palazzo Madama, Paolo Celata: “We told you, we tried to get closer Mario Giarrusso who had not responded to us. We thought it was because he would vote yes to trust, but it is exactly the opposite, we have had confirmation that 99% will vote no, not only for him but also for the other skeptics. We knew it Ciampolillo, untraceable, and Carlo Martelli given close to League they will vote not to trust Conte and this is an important step, the opposition numbers are increasing and the certainties of the majority waver ”. Marco Damilano, editor of Espresso, prepares the field, however, for possible surprises of the opposite sign: “In my opinion it could reach 156, some votes would be hidden now to receive the final result with greater satisfaction”. However, according to pollster Lorenzo Pregliasco, the gap in the courtroom would be ridiculous: 152 votes for the majority, 145 for the opposition. A very dangerous stalemate.
