The shopping crowd is scary. Government meeting for new grips


Thanks to the entry into the yellow zone of four regions and the good weather. In many Italian cities it was a Sunday of shopping and queues in front of restaurants and bars. Streets crowded, too crowded in times of pandemic, from north to south, to the point that in Rome, due to too many concentrations, the area of ​​the Trevi Fountain has been temporarily closed. Also from Rome comes the alarm from the Regional Health Councilor Alessio D’Amato: “I make an appeal: please avoid meetings, otherwise the third wave will be inevitable. Shopping shouldn’t frustrate your efforts. A penalty line must be maintained ”. The contagion curve of Covid, in addition, is going down little by little, but there is a risk that the ‘relaxation’ of these days and the next holidays will make it rise again. Domenico Arcuri, extraordinary commissioner for the emergency, also came to warn about the dangers of these behaviors: “The measures put in place have
the objective of avoiding a repeat of what happened this summer. The places are full of centers with unbearable crowds of people, you have to be careful, because what happened this summer does not happen again. Don’t let us see any more images like today’s: we must all prevent the third wave from occurring. It would be difficult to start the vaccination campaign with a new tightening of the epidemic curve ”.

The images that circulated on social media have alarmed the government. And that is why Giuseppe Conte summoned the government group leaders. New grips and mobility rules on the table on Christmas Day. The first to sound the alarm was the Democratic Party, which asked to evaluate a closure for Christmas. The idea came at the end of a dei dem meeting with a view to the government summit. Present, among others, are the leaders of the group, the Minister of Regional Affairs Boccia, the head of the delegation of Franceschini, the secretary Pd Zingaretti.

During the meeting, reference was made to Angela Merkel’s decision to launch new restrictive anti-Covid measures. Among the hypotheses arose the possibility of a greater hardening of the gatherings and other measures to be adopted to counteract the danger of spreading the contagion. Regarding the issue of the interruption of trips between municipalities on superfest days, there is still the hypothesis of an exception for residents. In any case, we speak of small municipalities with less than five thousand inhabitants. But tonight’s summit at Palazzo Chigi will decide the line.

In the line of “rigor and firmness”, the 5-star Movement: “We can think of some exceptions for small municipalities but small exceptions must remain in the line of rigor and firmness that must be central”, say sources in view of the comparison of government. The five stars also express their satisfaction with the position adopted in recent hours by the Democratic Party, which has called for additional toughening, although, it is emphasized, in recent days there have been too many “ups and downs” on the part of the Democrats, who have taken the minus 3 different positions.

For Teresa Bellanova, Minister of Agrarian Policies, even more restrictive measures are welcome. As long as they are consistent. The exponent from Italia Viva explains: “Let’s compare with

scientific community and decide on coherent and understandable measures. Even more restrictive than the current ones, if necessary, but understandable. Because only in this way will citizens be induced to respect them ”. The executive’s soul line seems generally the same.
