the shopping calendar


Italy red zone at Christmas, the closing dates of bars and shops: the shopping calendar

From day to day has come to today, when the decisions they can no longer be postponed. Italy is moving towards a miniemergency shutdown holidays: for 8 days, lower the shutters of Pub me shops. The rigorous wing of the government, represented by the ministers bowl, hope me Franceschini, promotes a 14-day shutdown, but Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte he is skeptical: “We don’t have the money from Germany – he says – And besides, I fear for the psychological stability of the Italians. On the other hand, however, the pressures of governors.

Italy red zone from Christmas Eve to January 3: towards yes to visits to the elderly and the masses

The positions

And there are those who, like the president of the Veneto Region, Luca zaia, announces stricter interventions in its territory, but also highlights that “to block everything you need automatic refreshments.” The President of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Massimiliano FedrigaInstead, he insists on the need to “grant an exemption to see relatives on Christmas Day,” a subject that the governor of the Northern League also discussed with Minister Speranza. A point where the Prime Minister is pushing for some openness. You will still be allowed to attend Masses.

Commercial activities

The activities on which we try to intervene trying to limit the economic damage are precisely commercial, catering and tourism. the new dpcm The government study will not prevent those who have already booked from leaving before December 20. But then movements between regions will be blocked, and between the 24th and the 27th bars, restaurants and shops will also be closed. So those who have purchases to do hurry, in any case respecting the rules.

This is the scheme from next weekend:

December 19-20

Stores will remain open everywhere until 9:00 p.m., with a focus on anti-crowd measures. The bars and restaurants, for their part, will have the same hours allowed by the dpcm of December 3, so they will remain open until 6:00 p.m. In Abruzzo, if it is still orange, public establishments will only be able to work with take away food (until 10pm) and home. The curfew at 22:00 is still valid.

December 21-23

With all Italian regions in yellow except Abruzzo, it will be the last three days that Christmas shopping can still be done. And therefore the stores will remain open until 9:00 p.m. with continuous hours and anti-collection measures. And they will also be the only days of the week when you can go to the restaurant for lunch (tables with no more than four people) and to the bar until 6:00 p.m. Barbers, hairdressers and beauticians are also open. At 10 pm the curfew will begin, so everyone will be home.

December 24-27

According to government plans, the first block of days before the holidays will start from these dates: in all regions, shops, bars and restaurants will have to close. Only supermarkets, pharmacies, tobacconists, kiosks and bookstores are open, with the usual holiday hours. All movements are prohibited even within the municipality itself, except for reasons of necessity, work or urgency. It is allowed to go out to do sports or physical activity (only one person).

December 28-30

From Monday to Wednesday the grip will loosen. Shops reopen until 9:00 p.m., bars and restaurants always open until 6:00 p.m. and with normal restrictions, the curfew returns at 10:00 p.m. and the prohibition to move between regions is maintained. Only in Abruzzo (if it is still orange) the bars and restaurants will be closed.

December 31-January 3

The goal is to avoid New Year’s Eve parties and family lunches. Therefore, total blocking of movements even within the municipalities. It will not be possible to leave home except for valid reasons from Thursday 31 to Sunday 3. Anyone who is circulating on the street in those four days without reason will be sanctioned with a fine of 400 to 1000 euros. Obviously closed nonessential shops, bars and restaurants.

January 4-6

End of Italy in red. Even the Befana should enjoy a less restrictive regimen. Activities will reopen and the curfew will go into effect at 10pm, although travel between regions will continue to be prohibited and will be allowed again from 7 January.


Last updated: 09:32

