the shocking words of a doctor to the daughter of a Covid patient


Editorial Board
05 December 2020 08:55

“Between ten minutes your father dies ”. So would a doctor from the Moscati hospital in Taranto to the daughter of a dying Covid patient. Angela Cortese, a lawyer, told newspapers the story of her 78-year-old father, Francesco, who was hospitalized overnight between November 1 and 2 and later died of the disease. “Come find me, I’m dying here,” the father would have told his daughter immediately after she entered the hospital. Cortese tries to contact her father again, but this time she doesn’t respond. Second “Republic”, the woman would speak with a doctor who was in the Auditorium where her father had been placed. “His father is not cooperating, he does not want to put on the CPAP mask, he will die in ten minutes, get ready!”

His daughter’s blood freezes in her veins: “Suddenly we felt these terrible words fall on us, that doctor seemed an angry beast, against us and my father. I only had the strength to ask for saturation and in response I received other screams: no! there is saturation, you will see that he dies soon! “Until Cortese is informed of the death. Very serious accusations and, of course, still everything to prove. According to the newspapers, the mayor of Taranto Rinaldo Melucci would have called the general management to have a clarification. “No emergency – said the mayor – can justify the abuses and superficiality, even more so in the health services.” But the 78-year-old would not be the only episode of this type, Valeria D’Autilia says today in “The impression”.

The father of Donato Ricci He was hospitalized in the same structure: “My father was not treated – says the man -, he was parked. They kept it in a container. I have the videos he made: there is nothing there that can save a person, just a little oxygen. Ricci says her father “was fine at first” but at one point began to insist on leaving, explaining that he wanted to “call the police.” And he was a cop. There was something, ”says Ricci. “We haven’t heard from him for days and I had to request the intervention of President Emiliano. Desperate, I remembered that he once said that all Apulians could call him in case of need. At that moment we were able to speak to the hospital, they told us he was stopped. But I understood that they were telling everyone, with copy paste ”. Also according to “La Stampa” a group of nine relatives with similar stories would have been formed. Who now ask for clarity from the top of the structure.

Source: La Stampa →
