the shocking comparison on Osimhen, the farewell that terrifies Gattuso, ADL recovers 42 million and the election on Meret


(by Arturo Minervini) – Zero to Liverani, because turning your back on your ideas is an outrage that must be done in silence. He professed a proactive football, but the only proactive that Parma shows is to close the match 0-0. After the race he is also a bully, stating that he thought he was suffering more. It omits that once the race clears and the bus moves, it could take five. ‘Debts with the mouth’ is a wonderful fresco from the Neapolitan language to describe everything.

One, none or a thousand. Oh no, for the hundred thousand of Pirandello we are far. There were 1000 in the Tardini, like those of the engineer Cane at the time of Mai Dire Gol. Questionable decision, because the number had to be set in relation to the capacity of the plant. But Italy is a scared dog, because there is always someone unhappy. And then equity is destroyed, it leads to an equality that is obviously not equality. Yet with all the buts in this world, seeing someone in the stands is a small glimmer of hope, a time to cultivate a gradual return. HE great journeys begin with small steps.

Two inactive gloves and a small magone to try to pull. Gattuso chooses Ospinaand it can’t be a coincidence. Naples now has to manage the issue well Meret, address the problem with Alex. As an illustrated Pope Francis said on his visit to Napolitana: “Argue, throw the dishes, but never go to sleep without having made up”. Here. Don’t let any bad moods arise. Let’s talk. Talk about it.

Three dots and the rest disappear. Elettra Lamborghini basic concept, to tell a feeling that was missing: the word of the field. From Barcelona, ​​spoils of catastrophic considerations, extravagant analyzes, leaden horizons and black skies above us. Then comes the field. What matters. And he gives three points that reduce the volume of the many jealous prospects of doom. But are you sure that painting gray walls every day helps this team?

Four, three, two, one, zero. It will be the week of numbers, shot at random. From the right module, the one that moved ten meters to the right and Fabiàn’s lock to bring a higher pinch. It was a man who changed the game, not a number. Osimhen’s enthusiasm, physicality, compatibility with his teammates gave a new face to Napoli like Castor Troy by ‘Face off’. Gattuso works well in variants, but one thing is clear: Victor has to play. The ‘Limp No More’ effect, not even Austin Powers was on a special mission. #Maipiùsenza

Five for Fabian, a middle-aged totem who generally sobbed. In feeling the only body at the service of the team. Swallowed lung, unable to keep up in the first half. The Spaniard misses trivial touches, Zielinski stays as Super Vicky in his closet without finding the ‘ON’ button to record. Demme, left to do certain things alone, staggers and does what he can. The question is broadened and deserves further study: do these three complement each other? Do they represent a ‘synergy’? There have been some doubts for a while. Warning: doubts refer to compatibility, they transcend the value of people.

You’re like sixty million in the pot, it takes seventy. But how much does Koulibaly affect? The real Koulibaly. How many positions is Kalidou worth? A deep reflection implies a surrender that may be necessary, without a doubt painful. A presence like Koulibaly’s moves mountains, lakes, attackers, perspectives, scenarios. It is the dominant feature of a story that, with him, would keep the walled doors open in case of farewell. Gattuso knows it and is terrified. The market will tell. ADL does not make discounts. At least that.

Seven for the cat Cyrus. She rubs herself on the run, indolent. He gets squashed on the couch, paws, and doesn’t break. Because Mertens knows when action is worth it. He, the forgotten one. Because everyone talked about it in the summer, except him. Like it’s the last blowjob in the universe. He, who when necessary takes out the compass and draws the architecture of goals that are never banal. Surgical on the right, lethal in time on the right that takes Parma out of the circle. He then has some fun with his new friend Victor, before heading back to the couch. Let it rest. Ciro the cat has no time to waste in useless chatter.

Eight to new beginnings. Perhaps the appropriate verb for joy is to start over.. Di Lozano’s new outlet is fragrant, crisp, robust. It gives new substance to ideas that have been pending for a whole year, it gives new strength to the conviction that had led to invest a great amount for El Chucky. The doll that must have been terrifying and instead had been afraid of him. Now Naples is her home, a stranger who does not scare. Now smile, try the plays that made him great. Confused by nature, creator of opportunities by talent. It is a different card to draw from the deck. And often they are the ones who win the games. Purchase never advertised.

Nine on the back and on the shoulders much more. Miles of bare feet, hunger as a companion, traffic lights as an office, a globe abandoned in a landfill as a pole star. He started from afar Osimhen, but did not run out of breath for the most important appointment. He presented himself with a captivating smile, sailing with an embarrassing superiority over everything. A visible flash in broad daylight, an emotional and technical roar that explodes with the flavor of the inevitable in the match. It laughs at its opponents, traveling on different frequencies – a fiber optic taking on noisy 64k modems. There is no coincidence. “Reminds me of Cavani” Insigne says. And if you have not had the same feeling, you are very forgetful.

Ten right on Insigne. Captain, but really. In the eternal search for a new balance of equipment, anvil and hammer at times. In the first half he understands the difficulty and does not overdo it. Then, with Osimhen, spaces are opened to be explored with wisdom. There is the usual stick that denies him the super goal, but the hunger that leads him to the claw that closes the game is even more comforting news. On the day that a new era seems to begin, it is good to consider who we were. Who we have been Who we will be Verbal buffers that have a constant: the presence of Lorenzo. Let’s pamper him a bit, because he deserved it.
