The sentence that opens the door of Italy to migrants – Libero Quotidiano


The first five Eritreans arrived in Fiumicino yesterday. And it could soon touch, in dribbling and monotonous, the other nine who have been waiting in Israel for ten years to take revenge on Italy, guilty of sending them back to Libya in July 2009 while trying to reach the Sicilian coast. Tommaso Montesano writes about Free “Now it’s just a matter of time: with the judgment number 22917 issued by the civil court of Rome on November 28, 2019, which recognized the ‘unlawful act committed by the Italian authority’, that is, the denial of the right to “present an application for international protection” due to the return by sea – all 14 migrants who on June 25, 2016 promoted thelegal action In front of the prime minister (then the prime minister was Silvio Berlusconi) and the Italian ministries of foreign affairs, defense and interior, they must obtain the issuance of a visa destined to present the application for international protection. Not only that: the Italian government was also ordered to pay compensation for material damage.

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A revolutionary sentence, the lawyers of Asgi – Association for Legal Studies on Immigration -, Amnesty International and the Italian Episcopal Conference are exulted, the first to spread the news through the Avvenire newspaper. The “historical scope “of the device, as pointed out immediately Riccardo Noury, Amnesty spokesperson International Italy, it is “obvious”. Because it extends, the sentence establishes, “the field of application of international protection” even to those who cannot present an application for asylum due to lack of presence in the territory of the State to which they seek “refuge.”

Meanwhile, this means that Italy will also have to grant a visa to the other nine applicants. Bad the consequences of this “pilot failure” could be much broader. “In theory, everyone who has been a victim of refoulement should be able to take advantage of these provisions,” Noury ​​said. Future.

Thousands of people “, raise the hypothesis of the lawyers who sponsored the legal action. The first to benefit from the court ruling could be the other traveling companions of the 14 Eritreans: there are another 75 people – including nine women and, at that time, three children – who left the city at dawn on June 25, 2009. Libyan coast aboard a rubber boat with the aim of landing in Italy.

After being rescued by Libyan patrol boats and also by an Italian Navy ship, the group of migrants was returned to the authorities in Tripoli. Once liberated, and settled in Israel to try to reach Europe by land, a group of 14 Eritreans, with the help of the jurists of theAsgi, in 2014 decided to appeal to the judiciary request “the affirmation of the right to enter Italy to access international protection.”

Now the sentence that opens – for them, but not only – the doors of Italy. “We are happy to be here. We have trusted justice again, now we hope to have the protection we need,” said one of the Eritrean citizens who landed in Fiumicino. After the quarantine period provided by the anti-Covid rules, the five possible refugees will begin theThe procedure for requesting Italy for recognition of international protection.. For the other Eritreans who were waiting to enter our country, the process was slowed down due to the request to bring his wife and children (some of them, meanwhile, have started a family). The battle continues.
