the government The Italian was aware of risks caused by coronavirus in Italy already before the outbreak of the pandemic.
As revealed Republic, in fact, when there were still no official COVID cases in Italy, but it is most likely that the coronavirus was already spreading among the population, a work carried out by Stefano merler, researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation, on i Risks derived from a possible spread of the pandemic..
It was him February 12, 2020, when the coronavirus was a risk for Italy but there were still no confirmed cases; in fact, patient one from Codogno tested positive only on the day of February 21st.
News of this type can only confirm the doubts of those who believe that the pandemic could be best content in Italy, immediately making drastic decisions that could have limit the spread of infections.
The Italian government had been informed of the risks of the coronavirus
In detail, the document presented to Scientific Technical Committee the day of February 12 showed two different scenarios in the event that the coronavirus had also reached Italy and it would not have been possible – as it actually was – to contain it locally.
In the work done by Merler can you read what could have been me pandemic numbers: two worrying scenarios to say the least that, however, have not led the government to make the appropriate decisions since then to limit the risk of contagion. This has remained classified until today why the Prime Minister was considering whether to go public; There are those who believed – such as Andrea Urbani, general director of programming at the Ministry of Health – that one of Merler’s hypothetical scenarios was too dramatic to be revealed and would run the risk of unleashing a uncontrollable panic.
The document – titled “2019-NCOV spread scenarios in Italy and impact on the health service, in case the virus cannot be contained locally”- at this time a Republic what’s wrong with it revealed the content.
This shows, thanks to some models developed by Merler from the 43 thousand cases that had already been registered in the world at that time, two possible scenarios for Italy:
- the first with a 1.3 rt index. In this case, the mathematician estimated 1 million infections in Italy, with more 35 thousand victims;
- the second, more pessimistic, with an index Rt at 1.7 and a number of infected people who could increase 2 millions. The victims would come to 60 thousand.
Figures not far from reality: it is true that there are 267,000 infected infected, but it must be said that the real figure could be much higher. 35,473 deaths, confirming that Merler’s study was quite reliable.
In this sense, need for beds in intensive care: 60 thousand in the case of the first scenario, 120 thousand in the second. In the event that the worst case scenario had materialized, therefore, for Italy 10,000 places of intensive care would have been lacking; So why not organize in time, since everyone knew that, one way or another, the pandemic would still have reached Italy?
The Government must provide the necessary explanations in the appropriate places, also because it is good to remember that three days after the presentation of the aforementioned document to the CTS Italia it decided to donate 18 tons of sanitary material to China. Material that would later be indispensable but difficult to find during the peak of the pandemic.
Giorgia Meloni against the Conte government: “Clear political responsibilities“
After posting by Republic of the secret document that he presented to the Government i risks of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy followed a harsh outburst of Giorgia Meloni, who from his Facebook profile defined these revelations as “sensational”.
This dossier, in fact, confirms that what happened was predictable and especially, already planned: However “the government did absolutely nothing to contain the epidemic or prepare our healthcare system for the coming storm. And he did nothing even to find individual masks and protections (which he sent to China)”.
It will be up to the judiciary to assess whether these rulings involve government criminal liability, ma “Certainly, the political responsibilities are clear and obvious and cannot be left without consequences.”.