Francesco Gennero, a 25-year-old young man involved, along with his brother Davide, in last Thursday’s work accident, did not succeed, on the family estate of Cavallermaggiore, in the district of Madonna del Pilone.
The two brothers worked in silos, a few dozen meters high, used to store chopped corn. Inside those silos, however, they remained intoxicated by the fumes emanating from the plant product.
For Davide, 22, despite lengthy resuscitation attempts, there was nothing to do. Doctors, on the scene with ambulances and 118 rescue helicopters, had discovered the death at the scene.
Francesco, three years older, had been urgently transferred to the Santissima Annunziata di Savigliano. His condition, however, seemed desperate from the first moments. Admitted to the intensive care unit of the Saviglianese hospital, he never woke up from the irreversible coma.
Until yesterday afternoon (Saturday) when, around 4 in the afternoon, the doctors confirmed his death.
The mayor of the town, Davide Sannazzaro, will proclaim the city of mourning on the day of the funeral of the two brothers.