The Scillieri case embarrasses the League


The Scillieri case embarrasses the League: stitched mouths, no comment. Aphasic is the normally very talkative Matteo Salvini, who focuses on the government’s delays towards medical specialists and on the imperishable illegal immigration. In the Carroccio the mantra is to de-categorize “nonsense”, but the concern is high: the story that revolves around the Lombardia Film Commission is potentially explosive for a party whose electorate digests a lot but not the scandals about the Danish. Especially at a time, at the end of the year, when local congresses are closing and membership fees are being drawn.

But the fear in the parliamentary groups is that in the next days even more “heavy” news could emerge. Precisely at the moment when, thanks to the “alignment” of Silvio Berlusconi in the MES, the Captain regained the leadership of the coalition. And just the day that Beppe Grillo’s departure puts most of the Giallorossi in difficulties. Former deputy Gianluca Pini, who fights with the former Minister of the Interior over the use of the symbol of the old League, and who is also one of the few who wants to speak, attacks: “If the accusations are true, Salvini would have problems to denounce himself, In those days the leaders asked the militants for money. If I were him, I would ask their men for clarity. “

While the statements of the accountant arrested by mandate of the Milan Public Ministry must be verified and therefore perhaps false, they describe an unedifying cross-section: a round of “cover bills” for services that were never carried out and that would have been used by compliant professionals and consultants to return a portion (15 to 40%) of their fees to the party. A form of illicit financing. To which is added the opacity of the intermediary companies: a structure that induces the magistrates to seek money between Switzerland, Panama and Russia. To stir up the garter belts – in addition to the fact that Scillieri is not just any accountant but the man in whose study the transition to the “Premier Lega per Salvini” was recorded in 2017 – also the confessions he made in the questioning of prosecutors. Describing not an isolated case but a structured “system” that isolated those who were not of proven loyalty to the party’s “magic circle”. And today, the other two accountants investigated, Andrea Manzoni and Alberto Di Rubba, performed a silent scene in front of the magistrates.

It’s not a pretty picture. Gianluca Pini, a former parliamentarian for three terms in the Lega di Bossi and then di Maroni, together with Gianni Fava have started a legal battle to recover the symbol of the Northern League, which Salvini denied them. “It is clear that if it were proven that millions of accounts abroad were emptied thanks to his trusted men, it would be difficult for Salvini to attract attention – now reasons Pini – Also because at that time he and the administrators were asking the militants for money or refunds to the chosen one. ” Still to be verified, but Scillieri’s testimony “begins to shed a different light on the explanations given so far by senior management.” And a suggestion to the leader: “If I were Salvini, I would ask aloud to clarify the true beneficiaries of the trusts and who are the investors of the subsidiaries mentioned by the arrested accountant. If, as he says, he has nothing to hide, he must be the first to demand clarity from his men ”.

From via Bellerio they continue, as at the beginning of the investigation, boasting of “tranquility” in the face of “the umpteenth investigation that is looking for money that it cannot find.” But among the parliamentary groups the uproar is there: “It has not cost us right now that we manage to bring Berlusconi to our line – complains a senator – And that the vote of the Month will sanction the leadership of Matteo …”.

Yes, because after the bitterness of the budget variance vote, these are days of satisfaction for the Captain. Yesterday, it was a direct order from the Knight to send the parliamentarians forced to the square to support the flash mob organized by Salvini and Meloni in Piazza Montecitorio. An election that made the “governors” of the blues turn their mouths: “Of course it is impressive to see a former president of the European Parliament (Tajani, ed) in the square shouting against the government …”. And the League is preparing to enjoy the prominence of the vote next Wednesday.

However, only the stop of Grillo al Mes (health) could have reopened the games in the center right. If the patrimonial aired by the founder of the Cinquestelle is abhorred by the League, the hypothesis that everyone is going home is seen as smoke in the eyes by the blue MPs (given the current percentages). Thrusts and tensions that cannot be ignored by the joint motion on which Tajani and Brunetta are working with their allies. Although the last word – and it will reach the Cesarini area – will be from Berlusconi, the master of turns. Many bet on a strategic intersection of absences and exits from the classroom. Casini goes further: “I don’t think Silvio votes no.”
