The battle over school closures in Puglia is heading for a turn. Despite Sunday’s dictation by Minister Lucía Azzolina, contrary to the provisions dictated by President Michele Emiliano, the State Bar was formed, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, in support of the Region in the sentence before the TAR of Bari that on the 18th it will be decided in chambers whether or not the decree with which the order of President Michele Emiliano was suspended on Friday is confirmed.
The provision of the Region of October 28 had ordered the suspension until November 24 of all teaching activities in presence from primary to secondary school in Puglia. The state attorney, Giuseppe Zuccaro, was constituted “to resist the appeal” with which a consumer association obtained the decree of suspension for the closure of the schools: the State Prosecutor will therefore defend the order to close Emiliano.
Yesterday the insistence of the governor: “I make my own the appeal of the pediatricians,” he said relaunching the statements to the “Gazzetta” of the president of the Fimp, “avoid sending the children to school in presence, this is safer for both children” . and for public health. If possible, choose Dad, and from home try to do everything possible, until the epidemiological data is down ».
The Oct. 27 ordinance, which closed all schools, was suspended on Friday with an urgent monochrome decree from the Bari Tar. The Region asked to advance (from December 3 to Wednesday of the next week) the hearing in the council room in which the suspension will be discussed: obviously they will try to obtain the revocation of the decree, in order to restore the closure of teaching in the presence of all schools. On this point, Emiliano does not beat around the bush: “Even the TAR of Campania – he said yesterday – rejected, as the TAR of Lecce had done, an order identical to ours: it clearly states that the provision to close teaching in the presence of all schools are motivated “by the importance of the persistent health emergency, by the verified multiplier effect of infections linked to positivity in school age groups, and by the foreseeable impact on the regional health system.” If so we still have an excellent opportunity to convince Bari Tar to restore our order at the end of October: the suspension has surprised us a lot. ‘
In fact, however, the ministry has authorized Apulian schools not to apply the new ordinance. Emiliano is not here: “I remind all those who have been forced to accept face-to-face teaching because they do not want to teach it or organize it within a reasonable period of time, that they have the full right to demand it and that they may report omissions to the Prefect and the Office of the regional school and me too, as they are already doing ».
(photo Ansa)