Salary increased by Pasquale Tridico, President Inpsand with retroactive effect. Announcing the new storm over the institution that manages Italian pensions is Republic. Pay double in midsummer, “hoping to go unnoticed”, with arrears to pay the father Basic income grillino. “It is written, in black and white, in the interministerial decree that the head of Labor Nunzia catalfo (of the M5, ed), watchdog of the Inps, signed on August 7 in concert with the colleague of the Treasury “, the dem Roberto Gualtieri. reports the newspaper run by Maurizio Molinari. “Tridico splashes on 150 thousand euros dai 62 thousand perceived at the beginning of his mandate, when he was forced to have a brief coexistence with the vice president of the Lega area Adriano Morrone, then imposed by Salvini. 50% more than the predecessor won Tito Boeri, stopped at 103 thousand. Also, a salary level not set at random. It was the Board itself, which met in the middle of the confinement, to assign itself the amount, which was then suggested to Catalfo ”.
In fact, the salary increase is equivalent to the savings contributed to the Institute: 522 thousand euros in 2019. But the legal problem, as Repubblica points out, could be the arrears granted to Tridico “effective from the date of appointment of the president, vice president and directors,” that is, May 2019. ” 12,500 euros per month, the difference between the old and the new regimen must also be paid to the teacher. In sections, only once 100 thousand euro“. writes Republic.