the rumors, the movements to avoid the crisis (and Renzi towards NATO) – Libero Quotidiano


There are many hypotheses on the table in the event of a crisis. Between these Marta Cartabia placeholder image OR Paola Severino instead of Giuseppe Conte in the highest seat of Palazzo Chigi. However, after the words of Maria Elena Boschi In Rg4, the Prime Minister’s fear seems partial. Italia Viva’s will to overthrow the government has weakened. Now the rigidity of the executive depends on the negotiations. Margins – remember The impression – No shortage: Conte would be willing to swallow IV’s proposals and, at this point, a reorganization could be carried out to Conte-ter. Understanding that reorganization would be the simplest solution for everyone. TO Matteo Renzi, Giallorossi tear supporter, Conte could offer to the Defense Ministry. Could be Ettore Rosato to bring the dicastery to the date of Lorenzo Guerini. At that time, the minister dem would come in and put the door down. Luciana Lamorgese. Thus, Paolo Becchi’s indiscretions would find confirmation, according to which Renzi points out that one of his men in defense will one day come to NATO, given that his future as a political leader now seems hopelessly compromised.

It seems that the hypothesis of an Accountant has been put aside. The risk is too high: the prime minister must rise to the Quirinal, resign and then obtain a re-election of the president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. All obviously with some possible surprise capable of upsetting the political landscape. So reorganization is still the most welcome idea. To get to it, Conte is testing them all, he even finds one after another. The latter especially with the Democratic Party. The prime minister has indeed heard Nicola Zingaretti me Goffredo Bettini in the hope that his term does not end.
