The rules of the holidays. It is not mandatory to say who we are going to


Are you forced to stay home with only family members on Christmas Day?
No, it is possible to invite no more than two people, family or friends, who can add their children under 14 years of age or disabled people. Or, always moving in two (more children) you can go to the house of another family unit.

If you move to visit other people, do you need self-certification?
Yes, to move on foot or by any means on holidays and days before holidays in which Italy is the red zone, it is always necessary to justify the move.

Do you have to indicate the name of the people you are addressing in the form?

No, it is not necessary. As already clarified during the reopening phase, according to the privacy law, citizens are not obliged to indicate the name of the people they know. In the form, which can be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of the Interior, however, it is necessary to indicate the departure and arrival addresses.

Can a family of four, with two children under 14 but over 14, go to their grandparents’ house at Christmas?
No, even if the number of people who would be sitting at the same table is the same, a family of four cannot move. If you want to spend Christmas Day with your grandparents (no more than two) you will have to let them come to your house.

Is it possible to have lunch at Christmas for some relatives and dinner for others?
No, the travel waiver allows you to move into a home only once a day. So you can spend Christmas Eve with some people and Christmas lunch with others, but not on the same day.

Given that on holidays and the eve of holidays it is not possible to leave home (except for specific reasons) throughout the day, must those who take advantage of the travel allowance respect the curfew?
Yes, transfers are allowed only from 5 to 22 and, the first of the year, from 7 to 22.

Is it possible to visit parents outside the region?
If you move today, yes, from tomorrow until January 6 it will no longer be possible unless residency is maintained in the family home.

Is it allowed to leave home on vacation to go to mass?
Yes, participation in religious services is allowed. On Christmas Eve, the CEI anticipates the services to allow the return home before 10 pm The invitation is to go to the church closest to home and bring the self-certification.

Is it possible to go to a second residence in another region?
Yes, but those who intend to do so must move in today. Starting tomorrow, the mobility block between regions begins and you can only go to second homes within your region.

Is it possible to reach the second residence in the same region even on holidays and days before holidays when it is forbidden to even leave the municipality itself?
Yes, contrary to what was decided with the decree of December 3, yesterday Palazzo Chigi granted another derogation explaining that it is always possible, between December 24 and January 6, to reach second homes in the region.

If I am already in a second residence but in another region, do I have to wait until January 7 to return?
No, the return to one’s own residence, domicile or home is always allowed.

Even those who live in a small town where there are not all services are forbidden to move?
With less than 5,000 inhabitants you can move within a radius of 30 kilometers but without going to the capital municipalities.

Are the hotels open? Can I book a stay even during the red days?
The hotels, farm stays, bed and breakfasts are open but to get to them you can move, always in your own region, only until December 23, December 28 to 30 or January 4. And then go home whenever you want, even on red zone days.

Are the bars and restaurants open? Is it possible to go out to pick up takeout?
They are open until 6 pm four more days, from December 24 to January 6 they will be closed and they will be able to work only with take out food or with home. On red days it is allowed to go out until 10 at night to pick up takeout.

And can you eat in hotels?
In the hotels the restaurant service, but only for those who stay overnight, is always active but on December 31 after 6:00 p.m. Only room service is provided.

So for the New Year, is it possible to book a hotel stay with friends or rent a country house to celebrate?
Parties and gatherings of any kind are absolutely forbidden. You can stay in a hotel by following the rules set out in the guidelines.

Is it possible to go abroad?
Yes, the restrictions regulate movements and behavior in the Italian territory, but those who go abroad for tourism or to reunite with relatives upon their return to Italy will have to spend 14 days in quarantine.
