the rules of closures in the regions


In Lombardy and Campania with the curfew comes (or better: returns) also self-certification. The form to be completed to justify the movements between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. will be prepared and published by the Ministry of the Interior as soon as the ordinance of the Lombardy Region enters into force and will serve to illustrate the reasons for the work or the proven urgency of leaving Own. House. But it will not be the only rule to follow in territories that are sliding towards a soft lock.

Self-certification and curfew: the rules of closures in the regions

the Corriere della Sera Today an article by Fiorenza Sarzanini illustrates the rules of local closures in the regions. For now, while Lombardy and Campania head towards a curfew, Piedmont and Liguria are on the soft line. As mentioned, the Ministry of the Interior will provide the information for the form to be shown to the police and the military who will carry out the controls. Self-certification must specify:

  • your personal details
  • the reason for leaving home after 11 pm
  • the “proven necessity” of the output
  • the address (if any) of the employer
  • the destination and duration of the trip

Instead, the name of the person you know should not be indicated for privacy reasons. In Lombardy it is forbidden to move and close activities from 23:00 to 05:00, while non-food shopping centers and large retailers will be closed on weekends, but not supermarkets or basic necessities stores. The middle distribution could be free of closures.

In Campania, the rules will be stricter: in addition to the closure of shops, public places and non-essential activities from 11 pm to 5 am, the President of the Region Vincenzo De Luca has imposed the limitation of inter-provincial travel if it is not justified by self-certification for reasons of work, health, school, social assistance, purchase of basic necessities. Schools remain closed, except for elementary schools, which will reopen on October 30.

Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria, Campania: the new closing rules

Then there is Piedmont, where by order of the President of the Region Alberto Cirio the closure of public places is set at midnight but on weekends the shopping centers will be closed and only supermarkets and pharmacies will remain open. As of October 26, the obligation for classes from second to fifth of high school to follow digital training remotely for at least 50% of the days, alternating with classroom attendance, comes into force.

Liguria will also adopt distance education midway for upper secondary schools and excluding the first classes. Arcade activities are allowed from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m., while clubs and cultural centers must close at 12 p.m. A circular from the Viminale reaffirms the lines to be followed when closing streets and squares and limiting nightlife:

“The right to close the streets or squares of urban centers to the public after 9 pm, where congestion situations may arise” is allowed but must remain “the possibility of access, and exit, to legitimately open commercial establishments and private homes “.

It should be the mayor who decides, but “the implementation of this intervention will then require the widest consultation and collaboration between the mayor and the prefect.” Controls The police and local police must carry out controls and checks on compliance with the prohibitions in all prohibited areas. Soldiers from Operation Safe Roads will also participate in these surveillance services. Yesterday 100 military reinforcements were sent to Campania.

The government’s controversy with mayors, who had contested the tightening of nightlife and road closures “at their expense,” also appears to have been left behind. While waiting for the meeting in the next few hours between the metropolitan cities and the Viminale – now at the center of the mediation with the Local Authorities – a circular from the Chief of Staff, Bruno Frattasi, was sent to the Prefects, which provides some indications on the Dpcm deployment profiles. on anti-covid measures. Among these, there is also the possibility of providing “a partial closure of streets or squares, that is, restricting access without totally prohibiting it, with the limitation of accesses”, or accesses in ‘limited number’. Mayors must inform both trade associations and interested citizens of the closure of squares and streets with risk of overcrowding with “adequate means of communication. There will be flexibility margins in meeting schedules and for controls, if necessary, the help of the army is also provided.

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Towards a new Dpcm before Sunday October 25
