“Rules Dpcm that we approved today are all confirmed ”. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, confirmed the rumors about the provision that expands the emergency rules for coronavirus. Today, Monday, September 7, a new decree of the Prime Minister that will be valid until September 30.
For the most part, the rules of August 7 are confirmed and therefore the obligation to undergo the tampon will remain if you arrive from one of the sixteen countries considered at risk, but those who are abroad can enter Italy to arrive to “the person with whom they have a stable emotional relationship, even if they do not live together”
This is the only real novelty along with the provisions that allow the school year to begin.
New coronavirus Dpcm
Regarding the new measures for i Trips abroad The obligation to undergo a swab is confirmed for those returning from 4 countries: Croatia, Greece, Malta, Spain. While entry from Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bosnia Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Moldova, Oman, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and Colombia will not be allowed.
The validity of the ordinance signed on August 12 by Health Minister Roberto Speranza is thus confirmed. If in list A of the non-restricted countries are the Republic of San Marino and the State of Vatican City, in list B of the countries from and for which travel, including tourism, are allowed, there are all EU countries, the Schengen countries, the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, Andorra and Monaco, but not Croatia, Greece, Malta, Spain, Romania and Bulgaria.
For those traveling between Italy and Croatia, Greece, malt, Spain You must present proof of having been subjected, in the 72 hours prior to entering the national territory, to a molecular or antigenic test, carried out by means of a swab and a negative result. Or you must undergo the test on arrival at the airport, port or border place or within 48 hours after entering Italy. While you wait, you must stay home in fiduciary isolation. Likewise, he must immediately notify his entry into the national territory to the Prevention Department of the competent health authority in the area, even if he is asymptomatic. Then, in case of symptoms attributable to Covid-19, you must immediately report the situation to the Health Authority and continue with the fiduciary isolation.
Bulgaria me Romania instead, they are part of list C together with the countries in which, upon return to Italy, the obligation of fiduciary isolation and health surveillance is foreseen. Therefore, it is necessary to complete a self-declaration and you can reach your final destination in Italy only by private vehicle (airport transit is allowed, without leaving the dedicated areas of the airport).
List D includes Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay: it is allowed to travel to / from these countries without the need for motivation, therefore also for tourism. Upon returning to Italy, it is necessary to undergo fiduciary isolation and health surveillance, complete a self-declaration and reach your final destination in our country only by private vehicle (airport transit is allowed, without leaving the dedicated areas of the airport)
No relaxation of the rules provided for concerts, stadiums and nightclubs: everything remains closed until further notice as it remains in force the ordinance that establishes the obligation from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. to use masks also in the open air, in the spaces belonging to the places and premises open to the public as well as in the public spaces (squares, open spaces, streets) where the gatherings are held.
The mask will continue to be mandatory indoors, including means of transport and in any case on all occasions in which it is not possible to continuously guarantee the maintenance of the safety distance.
In public transport and school buses, the capacity rises to the limit of 80 percent, with the exception of school transport, which can travel with the maximum capacity allowed as long as the stay of students in the vehicle is no longer than 15 minutes.
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