
If the map of the spread of Covid in Italy is less and less red and more orange and yellow, it will remain a Christmas under curfew. No to moving from one region to another, strict rules on second homes. The government does not alleviate the line of rigor, the fear of mass transfers for the holidays that could trigger new outbreaks makes the hypotheses on the table are aimed at avoiding a dangerous post-lockdown euphoria. So one week before Christmas, around December 18, the travel ban between Regions, including those classified as yellow, will take effect.
Movements at Christmas, family members and first-degree residents: who will be able to move between Regions
On Tuesday the executive will set the exact date in the scheduled meeting with the governors, then the rule will be inserted in the Dpcm December 4. “What inspires government decisions is the principle of avoiding meeting and socializing situations,” said the Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa. Mass transfers for vacations to second homes would favor dangerous situations, is the assessment. Therefore, only if the Region is yellow will it be allowed to move to the vacation residence as long as it is within the regional limits, if the Region is orange it is prohibited because it is not allowed to leave the residence municipality. All this from December 18, 19 and throughout the duration of the next Dpcm. Even yesterday, the daily bulletin on the pandemic reported a decline in the numbers, but the risk of a new virus attack, as it happened after the summer holidays, makes the government cautious. “We certainly cannot think of distributing the vaccine while the third wave is underway,” underlines the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. Hence the decision to prohibit the passage from one region to another: between July and August seven million people departed, a winter aftershock with the aggravation of spending more time indoors seems unsustainable.
The soft solution like the one adopted by France – permission to reach houses in the mountains, but with ski resorts and restaurants closed to avoid crowds – has been put aside, mass movements of people continue to represent a danger. But among the Regions, waiting for the new Dpcm, there are those who have meanwhile moved against the current: the president of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, yesterday signed a new ordinance (number 116) in force as of today that allows, in particular , the displacements in a municipality other than the one of residence, domicile or domicile “to reach second residences, motorhomes or caravans, own boats for maintenance and repair throughout the Region”. A relaxation that has raised controversy. “Sorry, but I disagree. We are still in the red zone, infections are high, deaths are too, anticipating trips to the sea does not seem appropriate or useful to me. We have made and are making many sacrifices, we cannot frustrate them in a weekend, ”attacks the mayor of Viareggio (Lucca), Giorgio Del Ghingaro. “In my opinion, this measure had to be agreed with the mayors concerned, after having provided the appropriate control rules – adds Del Ghingaro – In summary, waiting for the exit of the red zone of Tuscany, before taking such a measure would have been better “.
Last updated: 13:26