The rt index at 1 and the government plan for Christmas will circulate again


“The month of November is dedicated to this: containing and controlling the contagion curve.” He admits that he “doesn’t have the crystal ball”, but Giuseppe Conte participate in an event organized by the CGIL with a renewed spirit. To the point of hypothesizing this drop in the Rt index, which will later be confirmed by the data published by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Iss): 1.4% against 1.7% the day before. It is still too high to rejoice, but high enough to hope that infections do not exponentially double. About what will happen Christmas it is not unbalanced “but we hope – explains the Prime Minister – that the maximum contagion threshold has been reached and now the flattening begins.” After the flat line -as already seen on the occasion of the first wave- there should be a decline and then a timid reopening due to the modernization of some regions that ended yesterday, and last week, in the orange zone. Focusing the maximum effort on the current month serves to prepare a Christmas not in the green zone for anyone, but perhaps with some more concessions to families to spend the thirteenth in greater freedom, reopening bars and restaurants everywhere, which are now open only in the yellow regions. , although only until 6 pm And, above all, allow you to move between the currently closed Regions.

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And that the goal we are thinking about is to return the country to the yellow zone around the Christmas holidays also emerged during the control room meeting that decided yesterday afternoon on the new closures. Franco Locatelli, president of the Superior Council of Health, in fact pointed out that the greatest decrease in infections is registered in regions where the change in the trend in travel has been more drastic. Lombardy, Piedmont and Sicily have contributed significantly to reducing the national index; and it also decreased in regions, such as Lazio, that are in the yellow zone. Positive signs, the measures work and produce effects on the irregular strategy. Therefore, there is still a month left for Campania and Tuscany to rejoin the ranks, in order to allow movement between the regions again. The appointment to begin to understand how the Christmas holidays are going to go is then for Friday, December 4, when we will see if the objective of RT ad 1 has been achieved. On that date it will be understood if the measures have worked in any way for ” save Christmas “as demanded by merchants and restaurateurs. A delegation from the latter, who arrived on foot from Tuscany, was received last night at Palazzo Chigi by Prime Minister Conte. There are no concrete promises, but there is an account of the strategy implemented by the executive with the “soft drinks” and the measures taken, even drastic, to contain the pandemic and loosen control in the month in which the owners of public establishments work the most . . Contingent admissions, adherence to health protocols, and table limits are already in effect in regions where bars and restaurants are open. On the other hand, if Christmas, as Conte recalls, is also a time of “spiritual recollection”, “it is not good to be many”. Obviously “there will be no regulation that regulates Christmas lunch at home”, as underlines the Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa, but there is also the need to reopen “to boost the economy”, as Conte affirms.



Reassured by the data from the ISS and by those of the surveys that see him rise in the approval rates, Conte prepares for the majority verification convinced that he can also put on the table the success of a strategy to contain the pandemic that does not it has strangled the economy. . But do the numbers really say that Christmas will return to normal? No, the maximum result that can be achieved between now and mid-December will be to turn the whole of Italy into a “yellow band”, a classification that would allow to move from one territory to another. According to the technicians, beyond the improvements of these days, unknowns remain in Lombardy and Piedmont, where the incidence (number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants) is still too high, especially in the provinces that had not been overwhelmed by the first wave. Another fact: it is true that Lombardy has 10 million inhabitants, but today it registers 25 percent of the new positive cases in the country every day. Also, it should always be clear that the growth rate has slowed, but new cases continue to increase. However, if three or four weeks ago we traveled with a 90 percent increase in the number of newly infected, yesterday, for example, there was an increase of only more than 10 percent compared to last Friday. We are not yet on the plateau and the saturation rate of the hospitals is the real thorn in the side, but the situation is no longer out of control.

Last updated: 07:45

