the roof collapsed via Tamburrano


A loud roar broke the silence among the buildings in the Colli Aniene area where, shortly after 11:40 a.m. on September 4, the roof of a two-story structure used as car and bus parking collapsed. private. at the intersection of via Luigi Tamburrano with via di Grotta di Gregna.

On the spot, they alerted the two teams from the Rome Fire Brigade with a ladder truck, the collapsed car, the Uso and the Canine Nucleus for investigation per person.

At the site of the collapse also the medical staff of 118 and the Montesacro carabinieri. Employees present at the scene say they have not seen people involved in the collapse of the structure. Version confirmed, in these early stages, also by rescuers who, as a precaution, will continue their investigation.

Based on what you learn Rome today, not even the carabinieri would be injured. The structure, which was already unsafe on that side of the building, had in fact recently been cleaned up in that area. The collapse involved the roof of the ground floor, finished on asphalt, in a private area. On the ground also Group IV Tiburtino who identified the guardian of the shed.

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