the risk of other investigations –


The map of a predominantly yellow Italy, with two orange and four red regions, is bound to change in the next few hours. Several territories suffer serious or very serious suffering and doctors urge to close the countryeverything otherwise, the virus will prevail. However, there is maximum confusion (and tension) between the executive and the governors.

The verdict expected for Sunday afternoon will be issued only on Monday, after all the data arriving from the Regions have been merged into the report from the Higher Institute of Health. The official confirmation will come only on the day, when the scientists have made their counterarguments and the minister Roberto Speranza you will have listened to the governors. But rumors say areas at risk, destined for closure or in any case to measures more severe than the national ones, are Liguria, Abruzzo, Umbria and Campania, which from yellow can even turn red.

The fate of the region administered by Vincenzo De Luca emblematic of the chaos that erupted at crucial meetings. The government is clumsy because you cannot change your color after three days – the version of a Campanian councilor -. It’s okay that we’re on the rides, but let’s avoid the roller coasters. The control room, scheduled for 3 p.m., was postponed to 4 p.m. and finally moved at 3 p.m. Monday afternoon. the CTS meeting has also been postponed who should have expressed the opinion on the epidemiological curve of the regions at risk, to be inserted in an orange or red band. Governors asked for more time to collect and report data and the Ministry of Health, in order not to aggravate tensions, has granted a few hours. Also due to the fear that the news of the new closures, communicated on Sunday, would have led many Italians to move, within or outside the territories affected by the ordinances.

The level of confusion in the collection and analysis of data that governors must transmit to the Higher Institute of Health. Just two hours before the start of the confrontation they were still nine regions that had not sent their newsletters, or had sent them incomplete. Whether it’s malicious behavior or just disorganization, it could soon be magistrates to set it. Why afterresearch started in Liguria, also in another place they would be ready displayed and reports on the working methods of the Local Health Authorities and regional directors for the elaboration of the bulletins that later converge in Rome. First of all Campania, which seems to have a different real situation than the one written in the numbers: they say that the president of the ISS Silvio Brusaferro he is analyzing the data with the magnifying glass.

Sunday peaked at 4,600 positives. Numbers that, once collected by the ASL and communicated to the control room, are studied in the light of 21 parametersthat establish the three risk areas. Data is being studied from Liguria, which sees Genoa under great pressure due to infections and hospitals. I Lazio hold on because it has a structured hospital network, in Abruzzo and oneintensive care is filling up. In Tuscany, the number of positive older people in the RSA is concerned and also him Veneto noted special.

Last week when Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria they entered Red zone, Speranza’s ordinance came before the scientific-technical committee expressed its opinion. And this despite the fact that the Dpcm hopes that the governor will be heard. A abnormal procedure which will have to be revised as soon as possible, in addition to not adding problems to a mechanism that shows to have numerous faults.

November 9, 2020 (change November 9, 2020 | 07:02)

