In this dramatic situation that we live in, it was important to make a contribution, not only as a doctor but as a citizen: Antonio Metastasio an Italian doctor, expert in psychopharmacology, who collaborates with the University of Cambridge, where he lives. And one of the 50,000 volunteers who underwent tests of the coronavirus vaccine that the University of Oxford is developing together with the pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca. I am in good health – explains Metastasio – and as a doctor I am more exposed to Covid than the rest of the population: that is why I was an ideal candidate for this vaccine. Cambridge one of the centers where they are carrying out the research and the Italian doctor knows several people who are working in him. One of them was a friend of hers, who had posted an ad on Facebook seeking volunteers: and then Metastasio stepped forward. I did the first online screening – he says – and the next day they called me for a first visit: after a week I got the injection in June. Then in late August, I made the call.
No discomfort
However, like all the other volunteers, he does not know whether he actually received the vaccine or just a placebo, which is injected as a control parameter. In any case, I did not have any discomfort, fever or other side effects: two days after receiving the withdrawal I was also in Italy. Obviously the doctor had never contracted the virus before the trial, because this is the basic criterion to participate: now she has to clean every week and a follow-up visit every six weeks, the last last Saturday.
The British government optimistic about the times, in London they say that the vaccine will be ready for christmas: an experiment that was carried out with 50,000 volunteers – confirms the Italian doctor -. Apart from the stop a few days ago, a month ago, it is going well. So I think they will start shipping it in December. We don’t yet know if a single dose will be enough or if a double will be needed, but it will certainly come soon. Another matter, however, is to start a vaccination campaign that involving millions of people: It will take time – warns Dr. Metastasio – before a large part of the population is vaccinated, it will take a few months.
And then there is the problem of make people trust: A vaccine developed at an accelerated rate, when in other cases it has taken many years, seems to be made on purpose to provoke caution. The most important thing is information – underlines the Italian doctor from Cambridge – avoiding degrading tones towards those who have doubts. We must try to involve everyone in this discussion: clearly it must have a minimum of scientific basis, with those who totally reject the bases of science there is little to discuss. But on the other side you need honesty and information. The important thing is to explain the benefits of the vaccine: it is true that it was developed in a few months, but a technology already used for other vaccines, safe and proven: as in everything there is a risk, but minimal. If I hadn’t done all these thoughts, I wouldn’t have volunteered: I’m not a kamikaze. The other front of the information involves daily behaviors, because recent months have seen a relaxation of vigilance by the public. A certain weariness, after months of restrictions, Metastasio admits, is understandable. But even here it is important to avoid conflict. There are those who completely deny the existence of the virus, while others do not believe in certain figures on mortality: I believe that the virus is recovering and that it is not so benign. But now Covid is there and here to stay: it will take months before the vaccine works. More than crashing, we need to adapt, change our daily gestures.
October 20, 2020 (change October 20, 2020 | 23:23)