GROSSETO – Unique intervention for the Grosseto fire brigade command.
At the request of the emergency medical personnel of the Grosseto hospital, the Fire Department went to the facilities of the Hospital de la Misericordia to remove a ring from a woman’s finger.
Photo galleryFire brigade intervention by ring stuck on finger
The ring, especially thick and made of resistant material (steel), had caused significant swelling of the finger, making it impossible to remove it.
The fire brigade, assisted by emergency medical personnel, very calmly and with special attention, worked with a beater to engrave and cut the ring in two places.
The operation was particularly lengthy because, in addition to the danger of injuring the woman, the ring, during cutting, obviously tended to heat up, so each cutting session was followed by a cooling session.
At the end of the intervention, the team handed over the remains of the ring to the lady.