
Matteo renzi He reiterated that his return to the Democratic Party “does not make sense, the dem are the main ally of a vision justice with the grillini, linked to a structural alliance that I do not share “, but his parliamentarians deny it. For them, the former prime minister would not rule out a return to the Democratic Party in case of a failure of Italy alive:” Of course, only if someone like Stefano bonacciniTo confirm this hypothesis, write the impression, the fact that the man closest to Renzi in the Democratic Party, or the leader of the group in the Senate, Andrea Marcucci, Both spoke out yesterday in favor of “a reunification.” The consequence of which, of course, would be an untimely dismissal of Italia Viva, Renzi’s small party that has never managed to break through. Rather…

Meanwhile, Renzi and Di Maio themselves would like the reorganization of Giuseppe Conte government, to better manage the billions of Recovery fund. The same names are always in the crosshairs, and especially the Minister of Labor Nunzia Catalfo and that of Transport, the dem Paola De Micheli. The Secretary Pd, Nicola Zingaretti, however, the reorganization theory is undermined. Because if the game were to open up, the parliamentarians close to him reason, “after elections in which Italia Viva and the grillini could collapse and the Democratic Party could have twice the votes of the 5 stars, how will the ministers be counted? ? “. As for Zingaretti, he would not leave the Lazio Region to let her go to vote at the risk of losing her. “I at Viminale? It is not the issue at the moment, ”he responds to those who ask to join the government in a possible reorganization.