the report region by region


According to Weekly tracking from the Higher Institute of Health, in relation to the week 21-27 of September, there are 3,266 active outbreaks in Italy of which 909 are new. The adopted definition of outbreak provides for the identification of two or more positive cases connected to each other. The transmissibility index Rt calculated in symptomatic cases is equal to 1.01. There are twelve Regions with an Rt greater than 1. The ISS speaks of viruses in circulation throughout the country with a “progressive worsening of the epidemic” given the increase in new cases reported in Italy for the ninth consecutive week.

Coronavirus in schools: the situation region by region

Fourteen outbreaks were also reported this week in which transmission may have occurred in the school setting, although this is not always confirmed currently. In the coming weeks, the impact of infections in schools will be better assessed, the ISS explains. There are already 131 schools closed and more than 950 those in which there has been at least one case of coronavirus since the beginning of this school year in Italy.

Two Italian guys, Lorenzo Ruffino, an economics student in Turin, and Vittorio Nicoletta, a doctoral student in decision-making systems in Québec, have created a platform is a Map to monitor school clusters. This map, updated daily, reports cases of positivity in the schools, collects news and orders from the mayors since the reopening of the institutes and was prepared -explain the authors- “using only news published online and therefore to be considered non-exhaustive” . These are some of the latest institutes where infections have occurred, according to data extrapolated from this database.

In Valle d’Aosta, a quarantine has been arranged for 18 students, 11 teachers and one employee of a secondary school in Aosta. This is the third emergency in the school environment caused by infections in the region since the beginning of the lessons. In this case, the restrictions began on October 1 after a child tested positive. Similar situations occurred in another secondary school and in a middle school also in the regional capital. In Trentino there are 16 quarantined classes (7 high schools, 5 lower middle schools) out of a total of about 4 thousand: there were 33 from the beginning of the school year, but 17 have completed isolation. In Alto Adige, on the other hand, there have been six cases of positivity in schools. The cases were identified at the IISS Cesare Battisti, at the Liceo Pascoli (4 students and so many collaborators in quarantine) and at the Manzoni primary school (a class, 2 teachers and a fellow were quarantined), all in Bolzano.

Coronavirus Infections in Schools

In Piedmont, in Leini (in the province of Turin), the Carlo Casalegno secondary school and the Rodari kindergarten, part of the same complex, were closed as a precaution due to the positivity of a member of the school staff. In Lombardy, in Montichiari (in the province of Brescia), two other positivities were found among students of different high school classes. Therefore, the quarantined classes number three. In Tuscany, in Pisa, the Biagi primary school of the Tongiorgi general school has been closed. This was announced by the mayor of Pisa, Michele Conti: “I was contacted by the Prevention Department of the ASL Northwest of Tuscany, who proposed the closure of the school director of the Tongiorgi Integral Institute for a rapid increase in cases.

In Emilia-Romagna, four students from Rimini tested positive. The infections would have occurred in an after-school environment, but in the case of a middle school “having the positive student attending the institute while he was symptomatic, it was decided to place his class in home isolation,” Ausl Romagna reported. .

The situation in the schools of the Center-South

In the schools of Lazio, “290 cases of positivity were registered”, explained the regional adviser of health Alessio D’Amato during a press conference. A fact, said the commissioner, that “is within our expectations.” In Rieti, due to a suspicious case, the “Costaggini” hotel institute was closed as a precaution, and to date to be determined, which with its more than a thousand members represents one of the main schools in the entire province. Seven classrooms were closed and distance education was activated for the positivity of eight students from three secondary schools near Rome. These are the Enrico Mattei Secondary School in Cerveteri, the Giuseppe Di Vittorio State Institute of Higher Education in Ladispoli and the Guglielmotti in Civitavecchia.

In Abruzzo, in Avezzano (L’Aquila), a class and teachers were quarantined at the Liceo classico Torlonia, after a student tested positive for the virus. In the Marche region, in Pesaro, a fifth class of 28 students from the Cecchi Agricultural Technical Institute is in quarantine after the positivity of one of their classmates.

In Campania since yesterday October 2, all schools have been closed, as a precaution, in Atena Lucana, in the Salerno area. This was decided, with a special order, by Mayor Luigi Vertucci after 5 cases of coronavirus among the residents of the small town of Vallo di Diano. The decision was made after the son of one of the positive people used the municipal school transport service. A class is under quarantine in Lioni (Avellino) after a teacher tested positive.

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In Puglia, four classes were closed at the Lanza classical high school in Foggia for a student who tested positive. A student from the primary school “Giacomo Leopardi” was also positive: her class was closed until further indications from the ASL prevention department and will continue with distance education. The same measure has also been adopted by the “Altamura Da Vinci” technical institute where the students of the third computer class A will follow the lessons from home. In Sicily, in Lentini (Syracuse), the Guglielmo Marconi Integral Institute will remain closed today for extraordinary sanitation, after the discovery of the positivity of a school collaborator.
