The relaunch, 16 thousand teachers will stabilize in September. IRAP and migrants: still in question. And the mayors of the big tourist cities protest


For the Treasury Minister Roberto Gualtieri “All the political problems have been solved.” The times of white smoke, however, are still affected by the fibrillation internal to most in some Steps Fundamentals of Relaunch decree 55 billion, in the first place, which refers to the regularization of migrants. “The text has now improved but the agreement has not yet been reached. We are working hard to reach a positive solution,” M5 sources said in the late afternoon, testifying that despite good intentions, the plaza has not yet has found. However, the measure already has many certainties, starting with the money (1.5 billion) to be used also for school to stabilize 16 thousand teachers since September.

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Relaunch decree, bonus of up to 500 euros for buying bicycles, scooters and segways

For the final green light, however, it will obviously be necessary to await the ratification of the Minister council, which has not yet been called. The reasons? The same as in the last 48 hours. That is the dissent of the M5 on the regularizations of workers agricultural, domestic workers and caregivers; Italy’s opposition is still alive irap, holiday voucher and income of emergency. However, despite everything, the agreement seems to be close, at least according to rumors recorded at the end of the afternoon, a preconsiglio Still in progress. The real news, however, is the vehement protest of the mayors of the great city tourist (among others also those of Milan, Rome, Naples, Florence, Palermo), who read the draft of the DL Raise and sent a letter of protest to the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte: “So we are at risk of default,” they wrote.

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Foreign workers, the push and pull is not over. M5s: “Understanding found on a 6 month permit? We don’t know, there is no amnesty for those who exploit “

Certain measures and ongoing discussions: In the decree to help the families and the companies are there, as announced by Gualtieri and the minister Lucia Azzolina, 1,500 million for the school and the commitment to stabilize 16 thousand teachers in September. There are also rules on templates, to simplify the certification process and to block VAT, it helps Hotels, such as the arrest of the first installment of the IMU and the announced blockade of the June delivery of theirap for companies with revenues between 5 and 250 million. But here i start problems, because in the formulation of the desired standard by Confindustria Stomach aches and distinctions emerge. Most of them are parliamentarians. P.S and M5I would have preferred another type of intervention. But there are also those who, like Iv, consider it very little and ask to expand the audience and eliminate the requirement having suffered damage from the emergency. The comparison of the rules, which seemed closed, promises to continue, until the call of the advice of Ministers, probably Tuesday.

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Coronavirus, Irap discount in the relaunch decree. Gualtieri: “We will subscribe the June quota for medium-sized companies. Acceleration in layoffs “

The knot of the regularization of migrants: But to keep the bank on most, and fueling tensions between the allies, is above all the clash over regularization. Because on Sunday night an agreement with the representatives M5s: “A substantial go-ahead has come for Bonafede and Crimi“But in the morning of the M5 ranks I start distinction, so he braking, in the name of “no to indiscriminate amnesties”. The point is that the draft agreement, supported by the minister Luciana Lamorgese, since Peppe Provenzano for the Democratic Party, since Teresa Bellanova For Iv and Leu, a double path is foreseen: the regularization of undocumented workers, Italian and non-Italian, and six-month residence permits for workers migrants looking for a job. Strict requirements are introduced: in the first case, the employer regularizes the illegal worker who was in Italy before March 8, with a remedy for criminal irregularities, paying a Lump sum 400 euros; in the second case, the worker whose residence permit has expired after October 31, 2019 can request a Excuse me six months to look for work paying a sum of 100 euros. But M5 boiling: the most critical contest of both mechanisms, in the first case denouncing the risk of ‘saving’ ends and exploiters, in the second, for six months of leave without employment. The draft shows that the amnesty would not affect who was sentenced for caporalate or exploitation of prostitution, minors orclandestine immigration. But an agreement is missing at night.

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Coronavirus, all measures in draft relaunch: from emergency admission to vacation voucher to anti-Covid classrooms in schools. But there is a knot of 100 million euros for those who buy decorated banks

Slip and Italy Live sideways in the tourist voucher – The norm, assures from the Democratic Party, will arrive in cDM and there will be an agreement. But in the meantime the call sled. A pre-council technical meeting, preparatory to the CDM, would be held in the morning, but was postponed until 9 pm. Apparently it will last until late at night. Italia Viva, meanwhile, asks with Maria Elena Boschi modify, because it is too complex in requirements, the tourist voucher: better to give money to the hoteliers. The Renzians also contest the emergency income, on which an agreement has been reached between M5 and Pd, and the “very few funds for families and peer schools.” In the last hours, however, it is the difficulty to make ends meet. it covers to hold the bench. Irap, so to speak, takes money away from medical care, covered by deficit resources: “But then, let’s say, from the Democratic Party, in the coming months we will have to ask ourselves the question of accepting the loan of the Month.” In more general terms, 55 billion are not few, but the requests are multiply from hour to hour and some knots can be returned to Parliamentwhere yes prepare The assault on leadership.

The protest of the mayors of the tourist cities – Thorns and knots to which protest of the mayors of the main Italian tourist cities. “If ours are not accepted petitions Thoughtful and motivated, our cities will be seriously at risk of non-compliance and the objective impossibility of promoting system country in the economic and tourist recovery “. Word from the mayors Gnassi, BrugnaroFrom magistris NardellaOrlando Ray, Sala, who wrote to Conte, after reading the draft of the Dl Raise, to ask him to reevaluate the rules regarding municipalities. In particular, the seven mayors of Rimini (also Anci’s tourism representative), Venice, Naples, Florence, Palermo, Rome and Milan, protest the failure reference in the renewal of the tourist tax “, in an additional fund compared to that of the 3,000 million agreed with ANCI. If these taxes are not collected, many essential services will be blocked, they stressed in the letter, and the impossibility to satisfy the requests of companies requesting a suspension of local taxes at least during the period of closure of the activities

Tour operators: “We are ignored special” – A departure from position which echoes the concerns of tour operators, who define themselves as “ignored specials”, “mocked”, “embarrassed“,” Landed “,” at risk of implosion “, with companies” less and less sure of having the strength to reopen “at the end of the crisis and millions of jobs at risk.” sector there is little and nothing: the tax credit will be of little use, given the practically null prospects for recovery. And the Fund also has a negligible endowment. It almost seems that tourism, from theoretically ‘special monitored’ as it is the most affected by the emergency, has become the special ignorant, “he told Ansa. Vittorio Messina, president of Assoturismo Confesercenti. “We need an extraordinary support plan, not leopard spots. Big disappointment also for him cousin Holidays – He added – both for the implementation and for the amount. So it is useless, it was better to put resources into compensation, which should be more substantial. Enough now, there’s no more time. “

“If the final text should remain what it is circulating In the drafts of these hours, I must say that the world of tourism would not only be disappointed, but would also completely land on the possibility of restart: It is not enough to support a company retention plan for this year and neither is a relaunch, “he explains. Water sports center Lalli, President of Federtourism Confindustria, who continues to hope that the document distributed at these times is not the complete one in the tourism section. According to the president of Federterme Confindustria Maximum Caputi the problem is also related to the fact that there is no dedicated ministry for a sector worth 13% of GDP: “Having traveled through 5 different ministries, there is no one fighting for tourism, there is a risk of two million here of unemployed. Our colleagues Spanish, Americans, Swiss, Germans, he says, they already have money in hand, the state has been lightning fast, it gave liquidity in two hours, we are two months that we fill out forms “. Caputi also reiterates the great problem related to art. 42 of the Cura Italia which establishes that the contagion Covid-19 is an accident at work: “It exposes us to infinite of disputes. Who will want to open with this risk for employees and clients? “ support: never like now
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Phase 2, from 6pm until the reopening of shops, bars and restaurants. “The regions are autonomous, but the government will be able to block them if infections increase”

