The Covid-19 epidemic in Italy is slowing down, but not everywhere. If Lombardy, Piedmont and Campania can expect a transition from the red zone to the orange from next December 3, from the days in Friuli Venezia Giulia there is a registry of cases while the regional health authorities fear a wave of hospital admissions. No improvement in Basilicata This required a massive test campaign for Potenza and Matera in line with what was done by the autonomous province of Bolzano.
But there is one region that worries more than the others: it is Puglia where Governor Emiliano himself puts pencil on paper how the situation is “every day more serious.”
The region is in the orange zone but in light of the latest data that see new daily cases at 1511, the passage of the band is not excluded as requested by the governor for the provinces of Foggia and BAT, without obtaining consent of the Ministry of Health.
Covid in Puglia: “An increasingly difficult situation”
As he explains Baritoday On November 20, the President of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, signed a resolution describing the “actions that must be activated with the utmost urgency”, within 30 days, and those that can be activated within 15 days to combat the coronavirus epidemic “in consideration of the rapid evolution of the second wave of the epidemic given the vertical increase in cases in the regional territory.”
Among the actions to be taken is also the acceleration and monitoring of the “constructive activity of temporary intensive care – reports and the Dire agency – to increase the peak management capacity and allow ordinary activities, identifying priorities three suitable areas to cover the territory of Apulia in all its extension “. In this sense, in these days the tender for the construction of a covid hospital in the Fiera del Levante de Bari and two other possible structures in the Region has been awarded.
The document establishes that “to put the entire network for the management of 118 calls under the control and management of a coordinator and evaluate the purchase of ambulances to strengthen the transport system and increase the tampon collection points with Walk By identifying the area reference in the health district and specially dedicated teams that respond to Prevention departments by increasing the use of antigen tests “also” to reduce response times.
This measure was taken “in light – the document continues – of the extraordinary epidemic situation that progressively worsens every day with an unprecedented impact on the stability of the health system. “Some critical elements have been identified which, despite the previous actions, are considered corrected in itinere” underlines the note stating that “the updated estimates as of December 31 are being prepared” on the need for posts read in Apulia “which will require the adoption of subsequent measures to increase the number of beds and more precautionary measures for the population and carriers of diseases not related to the scope and effects of the coronavirus.” Among the interventions “to be activated in 15 days”, the document identifies support for “functional actions to decongest the emergency department and contain hospitalizations for cases strictly necessary for high intensity care, as well as for the hospital-territory connection and for the remote management of patients: activation of the H-Casa platform for home management of patients and the telemedicine control room ”.
“There is a delay in the adjustment of healthcare settings due to the inadequacy of waiting areas compared to emergency rooms, the lack of waiting areas, ordinary beds for intensive and sub-intensive care in the face of the trend of infections” and “yes confirmed the difficulty of the operators to bear, from the psychological point of view, the workloads together with a numerical shortage of personnel both in terms of training and as a consequence of the virus infection. Hence the decision to “hire doctors, nurses” and health social workers for a fixed period of three years “to strengthen the workforce in both hospital and territorial settings” and “to accelerate and monitor the determination of the hiring and distribution of the team “. “In absolute terms – reads the governor’s report – the increase in the number of infected corresponds to an increase in the number of hospitalizations, with the consequent difficulty in managing patients in the emergency room, with an increase in waiting times and a related saturation of messages read in hospitals. ”