the regions that postpone opening up and the first positive cases among students


“We have worked hard to return to school, a return that will occur in a new and difficult context due to the pandemic. The return to class of children in total safety are, have been and will be priority objectives of this government.” . Prime Minister’s words Giuseppe Conte who at a press conference today at Palazzo Chigi addressed the issue of schools reopening.

And again: “Other countries are having difficulties: it happened in Germany, where schools were closed after infections, France, the United States. It is an inevitable scenario that we must prepare to face without letting ourselves be overwhelmed by these difficulties. None of them have the magic wand of us. But families should not doubt one thing, that we have done our best. This is a great opportunity for us. “

Going back to school is “a beacon” for the government, Conte says, but also a source of uncertainty and concern. And it could not be otherwise, given that, according to the Prime Minister himself, the context is new and “it is not easy.” The truth, however, is that, beyond the encouraging attitude of the prime minister and the efforts made in these months of “preparations” after the forced closure, there are still many unknowns that weigh on returning to the desks. What’s more, chaos reigns.

The directors: “Difficult to reopen on September 14”

Let’s start with the alarm from the directors who just today reported criticalities not yet passed. Delayed delivery of single-seater desks, unfinished work on improving classrooms, and staff shortages: these are the three issues that worry school leaders who fear that it will not be possible to open all schools at the same time.

To speak is the president of the National Association of Directors, Antonello Giannelli. All school staff are committed to the reopening of the schools, scheduled for September 14. It is clear, however, that some issues must be resolved to reopen safely. As far as we know, the delivery of the single-seater desks is in serious condition. Delay. Two other important criticalities are those of the classrooms, because the local authorities have not found them everywhere, and the total number of staff, or rather of the teachers to be hired to ensure the service ”. And if these difficulties are not resolved immediately, says Giannelli, “objectively it is difficult to think that the September 14 deadline is respected everywhere: it is therefore necessary to evaluate the possibility of reasonable local differentiations.”

Regions that have already postponed the start of school

“The school year will start regularly on September 14, even if some regions at their discretion and autonomy have decided to postpone the openings,” added the Prime Minister. The schools are not ready, at least not all. And this is due both to ministerial delays and to the next electoral appointment on September 20 and 21 (referendum and regional). Seven regions have already postponed the start: Friuli Venezia Giulia (16), Sardinia (22), Puglia (24) to which Campania, Abruzzo, Basilicata and Calabria (24) have been added. In these hours, the new local administrations are evaluating whether they can move the departure date of the lessons beyond Monday, September 14.

Conte also spoke of risk of contagion between the desks and the rules to follow to guarantee safety: “The mask will be mandatory at the entrance and exit, not at the counter. More teachers and fewer students in the classroom. Directors will decide staggered entries. , we must be aware that there will be difficulties. We take into account that there will be new infections, we have developed a manual to address these difficulties ”.

The first positive cases among school students

“In school there are rules, health measures, but also prepared adults. School is the least risky place,” said the Minister of Education. Lucia azzolina during the press conference at Palazzo Chigi. But the first data regarding the institutes that have reopened in recent days, unfortunately, are not comforting. the first case of coronavirus in a kindergarten he registered a few days ago in Pergine Valsugana, in Trentino Alto Adige. In the last hours a case of coronavirus has been registered in a kindergarten in Piacenza– A child tested positive for swab after a family member became infected. The little boy had attended the inauguration of the institute on September 1. All swabs to classmates and teachers are negative, reports the Ausl.

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In Reggio Emilia, a 15-year-old high school student also tested positive for the coronavirus swab: the young man participated in some remedial courses together with four classmates and a teacher. They will all be swabbed in the next few days. And on suspicion of coronavirus in the institute Dolci de Palermo prevailed the stop of remedial courses: a new sanitation of the entire school building is necessary. The first interruption of activities in the presence of the Brancaccio institute comes like this even before the students return to their desks.
