the regions that pass in the yellow band – Libero Quotidiano


The Minister of Health Roberto Speranza signed the color change ordinance to Lombardy, Piedmont, Basilicata and Calabria: the 4 regions go to yellow band. as already announced by the Lombard Governor Attilio Fontana. Green light of Sunday December 13, even if the date is still uncertain for Piedmont.

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In these regions, therefore, the regulations will change: you will be able to move freely between the different municipalities (except for the hours included in the curfew, between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.). During this time, you must carry the self-certification form that proves the need to travel, for work, health or emergency reasons. You can go to the bar and restaurant until 6:00 p.m., while from that time only home delivery or take-out will be allowed until 10:00 p.m. Shopping centers will be accessible only on weekdays, while weekends and holidays will be closed. Self-certification will not be required to visit friends and family, even if Palazzo Chigi’s recommendation is still valid: avoid visits to people who do not live together.
