A letter addressed to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Ministers Roberto Speranza and Francesco Boccia, in which
The governor of the Emilia Romagna Region and president of the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, raises the doubts of the Regions about the content of the Dpcm and asks to include in the provision the commitment to recognize adequate supplies for the sectors most affected by the squeeze anti-Covid.
The governors ask, among other things, to rethink the tightening of the closures of bars and restaurants, not
close the ski lifts, rub only the symptomatic and cohabiting of those who contracted the virus.
“In general – writes Bonaccini in the letter held by the Adnkronos – the need to provide adequate forms of provisioning to the sectors and economic activities affected by the limitations introduced by the provision that is the object of this opinion is pointed out, through the simultaneous activation of specific discussion tables with the competent ministries “.
Then Bonaccini transferred, on behalf of the Regions, the “observations to the Dpcm” with the request for conferences. At point one “The extension of distance education to 100% is necessary for upper secondary schools and universities; while in the second point, “For the work of ASL / Regions to be sustainable in time to
emergency by reducing the workload due to difficulties in contact tracing, the swabs (molecular or antigenic) should be used only for symptomatic and close contacts (family and partners) under evaluation by the Prevention Departments and the daily phone call should be reserved for subjects in
isolation or quarantine to specific cases in the evaluation of the public health operator “.