Mask or respirator? Negative or Denialists? Crowded places or intensive care? The Lombardy Region, dealing with the second – devastating – wave of coronavirus, focuses on communication and has launched “The Covid Dilemma”, the new campaign with questions that the region itself has defined as “shock”, which has as aim to raise awareness. all about meeting the rules to stop the infection.
“Social distancing, hand hygiene and the correct use of masks to cover the nose and mouth to date constitute the only measure to contrast the covid 19, pending the launch of the vaccines. Based on this only certainty about the virus – Pirellone explained in a note – the Lombardy Region launches the awareness campaign, an invitation to always observe a few simple rules for the containment of the ongoing pandemic “.
The communication campaign of the Lombardy Region has as its main objective the correct dissemination of useful information to citizens with the claim “The choice is yours, but the consequences affect us all. Help us to contain the spread of the Coronavirus, before it’s too late. ” “A clear reference to individual freedom linked in two ways to moral and material responsibility towards the community and the primary common good, the health of all citizens – the administrators continued -. A true appeal to a sense of responsibility.” that President Attilio Fontana wants to address all Lombards to stop the incessant spread of the virus.
“The recipients of the message are all Lombard citizens, students, the elderly, children and adults, individually called to the protection of public health through an act of responsibility, aware that at this moment individual action affects an entire community. Some questions lead us to reflect on the possibility of opting for an option that eliminates any dilemma – they stressed -. Taking into account the target audience, an information campaign has been devised, with direct but non-accusatory tones, which includes billboards, commercials and webcasting in the coming days throughout Lombardy ”, concluded the region.
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“Strong” and shocking questions: “Wear a mask or respirator?”, “Wash your hands frequently or wash your hands?”, “Be negative or deny?”, “Stop the virus or stop the system of Health?” , “Avoid crowded places or overcrowding in intensive care?”