More than two thirds of the votes according to the data available on the Viminale website, the outgoing president and center-right candidate Giovanni Toti leads the regional elections in Liguria with 55.9% while the Pd-M5 candidate Ferruccio Sansa is at 39.2%. The latest projections from Opinio Rai, on the other hand, with coverage of 41%, confirm Giovanni Toti as governor of Liguria with 54.9%. Giallorossi’s candidate, Ferruccio Sansa, stops at 38.2%. For Aristide Fausto Massardo 3.6%. And 1% for former pentastellata Alice Salvatore. There are also the first comments from Edoardo Rixi, Lega and Carlo Bagnasco, Forza Italia. Former Italian Governor Sandro Biasotti also breaks the silence saying: “Great satisfaction, Toti has worked very well.”

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“Adventure is over. Battles are fought even when difficult, even when almost impossible. This battle was fought under very difficult conditions, in 50 days in mid-August, with the bridge in the middle, used by someone so little scrupulous as an enormous tool for electoral campaigns. Above all, we had covid. From a gap in the polls that gave us 20 points down, we have reached a gap of 10 points. “This was stated by the candidate of the Giallorossi coalition to the presidency of Liguria Ferruccio Sansa commenting on the result of the elections.
“The Pd -5 Stars test tube experiment in Liguria has blatantly failed.” This was stated by Raffaella Paita, deputy of Italia Viva. “It was an unnatural alliance that the voters rejected. We had warned that Sansa’s candidacy would lead to such an outcome. Building a reformist project takes time and patience.
In Liguria we start with a result that does not satisfy us but that tells us that we must put down roots with even more strength and tenacity. Meanwhile, I thank Massardo for his generous career ”, he concludes.
To turn off. The polls in Liguria for the renewal of the regional council and the election of the new president of the Region closed today at 3:00 p.m. The turnout was 53.46%, an increase compared to the last elections on May 31, 2015, when it stopped at 50.68%. In detail, the participation in the province of Savona was 55.28% (it was 52.70% in 2015), which in the province of Imperia it was 50.18% (it was 45.78% in 2015), that in the province of La Spezia it was 54.09% (it was 51.77% in 2015), while in the metropolitan city of Genoa it was 53.51% (it was 50.94% in 2015). The sections in Liguria are 1795.