the Region orders the (temporary) suspension of hospitalizations


Beds to be assigned to the pandemic, the Puglia region suspends scheduled and non-urgent hospitalizations.

Due to the epidemiological trend of the pandemic and the possible further increase in hospitalizations in acute care rooms, particularly in the Intensive Care and Medical area, the Councilor for Health Policies Pier Luigi Lopalco and the director of the Department Vito Montanaro, have ordered some emergency measures, effective immediately and until midnight on Tuesday, October 27, 2020.

This implies the suspension of scheduled medical and surgical hospitalizations in the Covid and Non-Covid public hospitals; perform only “non-deferrable” urgent hospitalizations from emergency rooms; carry out the hospitalizations of cancer patients and the non-transferable and urgent services provided for in the current provisions on the route of delivery; suspension for all autonomous activities within the company.

“The temporary suspension of scheduled hospitalizations in the region’s hospitals,” declares Commissioner Lopalco, will allow the concentration of human resources in activities related to emergency hospitalizations, whether or not they are linked to the pandemic, also guaranteeing the availability of more spaces currently occupy suspended activities. This will also favor a greater functionality and greater capacity of the so-called ‘gray areas’ present in emergency areas and dedicated to the evaluation of patients before any hospitalization ”.

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“This is a temporary election – explains the director Montanaro – dictated by the rapid increase in hospitalizations after the spread of Covid. We are working during these hours to install additional beds in the medical area and hire the necessary health personnel to meet the significant increase in the need for assistance. We are also trying to improve the activity of filtering the territory that in recent hours has been severely tested by the high number of infections “.
